1.5m To Do List



RECONS       1. reopen telescope/prove that CHIRON works
Todd H.      2. coordinate operations on Tololo
Leonardo P.  3. recruit/invoice users
             4. motivate/assist PIs in filling Plans
             5. create schedules for each Turno
             6. coordinate with observer
             7. mark observations as done in SQL database
             8. update master database of all observations (varies from SQL)
             9. assist PIs with data questions
            10. copy pipelined data from Yale to ATL
            11. distribute data to PIs
            12. provide RVs for some PIs

YALE         1. create new accounts *** KEY TASK ***
Charles B.   2. adjust times on current accounts
Bryndis C.   3. run quality control daily
             4. pipeline data daily/place on ftp *** KEY TASK ***
             5. identify/fix data pipeline errors
             6. troubleshoot SQL database issues


OBSERVING    JUN/JUL/AUG for engineering by Leonardo and Todd   
             SEP 2017 -- AUG 2018 every other week by Rodrigo Hinojosa

             possible fill-in observers for specific runs:

             RECONS --- Todd / Leonardo / Dan / Wei-Chun
             Yale   --- Brindis? / Charles?
             others --- Andrei Tokovinin / Fred Walter / Sebastian Hoenig?

SHARES       15% NOAO 10% Chile 5% RECONS 5% Yale 

RECONS TO DO                                                         2018.0320

2017.0403 TH: secure separate 1.5m account in Tucson
2017.0517 TH: book flights for TH and LP for JUN/JUL/AUG
2017.0522 TH: modify Secondary Member doc to be 1.5m specific
2017.0525 TH: create reopening schedule and confirm with Steve, Nicole, Esteban
2017.0531 LP: send data file names to Yale for test dataset
2017.0622 TH+LP: reopen 1.5m
2017.0624 TH: create 2017 test sample of 42 stars to confirm pipelines
2017.0627 TH: move $50K to 1.5m account from peso account
2017.0721 TH: review resumes for 1.5m operator
2017.0808 LP: observe several stars in fiber+slicer modes for Walter
2017.0809 LP: observe single star and standards for Rucinski (300sec = 4M counts)
2017.0809 LP+TH: observe for 46 nights of engineering run
2017.0817 LP: run all 2017 data through RV pipeline for 1 FLT star
2017.0817 LP: run all 2017 data through RV pipeline for 1 EVR star with hot Jup
2017.0825 TH: review hiring recommendation for 1.5m operator
2017.0901 TH: write article about 1.5m reopening for NOAO Newsletter
2017.0908 TH: write up results of engineering run to send to users
2017.10XX LP: run all 2017 data through RV pipeline for 12 EVR+FLT stars
2017.10XX LP: run all 2017 data through RV pipeline for 32 COR stars
2018.12XX TH: finalize time for previous users Adelman and Walter
2018.0125 TH+LP: decide on CTIO vs. YALE night report

   !!!    TH: send agreements and invoices to users for 2017B/2018A
......... TH: get $16K moved to 1.5m account for previous users
......... TH: extract potential new users from VM emails
......... TH: decide final location for 1.5m website
......... TH: update SMARTS3 MOU for another year

   !!!    LP: extract Pepper RVs
......... LP: write observing manual for CHIRON at 1.5m
......... LP: post examples showing what CHIRON can do in various setups
......... LP: investigate pipeline modifications for 2-part ThAr exposures
......... LP: stabilize barycenter correction IDL code

......... LP+TH: create list of 1.5m fixes/upgrades
......... LP+TH: buy better ThAr lamp

......... ++: work out formal ownership of CHIRON


YALE TO DO                                                           2018.0320

2017.0623 TD: get connections working between Yale and CHIRON
2017.0721 TD: pipeline first spectra from 2017 engineering run
2017.0818 TD: overcome MySql connection issues
2017.0819 TD: generate first real nightly program
2017.0829 TD: pipeline data from AUG 2017 Tokovinin run
2017.08XX TD: pipeline data from JUN/JUL/AUG 2017 engineering run
2017.0901 TD: figure out how to generate nightly program

......... BC: pipeline all data for Turnos 01-13



2017.0320 TH: RECONS                             slicer   ThAr
2017.0515 TH: Russel White                        TBD
2017.0525 TH: Brad Barlow                        fiber    ThAr
2017.0525 TH: Dave Charbonneau/Jen Winters        TBD
2017.0525 TH: Fred Walter                        fiber    ThAr
2017.0705 TH: Slavek Rucinski                    slicer   ThAr
2017.0706 TH: Josh Pepper/Keivan Stassun         slicer   ThAr

2017.0525 TH: Brian Penprase                     ???

2017.0525 TH: Steve Howell                       ...
2017.0525 TH: Jen Marshall                       ...
2017.0525 TH: Emily Levesque                     ...
......... TH: Ricardo Munoz

2017.0522 TH: Debra Fischer                      NO
2017.0525 TH: Rob Wittenmyer                     NO

Todd          404-413-6054
Charles       203-214-8685