(revised version)
ADS Name P (yr) T e W(2000) 2013 Author
RA 2000 DEC n (deg) a (") i (deg) w (deg) Last ob. 2014
- HDS 71 58.65 1993.26 0.754 27.7 309.8 0.332 CVETKOVIC
00321-1218 6.1386 0.355 124.6 276.3 2008.6938 307.2 0.335
- HDS 109 46.22 2009.89 0.703 125.2 153.8 0.135 CVETKOVIC
00495+4404 7.78810 0.230 140.1 217.9 2008.6911 143.9 0.168
- HDS 109 46.64 2009.69 0.752 131.1 140.9 0.168 RICA
00495+4404 7.7194 0.253 133.5 227.5 2012.7595 134.4 0.203
929 BU 1292AB 285.3 2020.7 0.214 52.9 233.3 0.244 RICA
01078+0425 1.2619 0.309 139.2 194.8 2012.7071 231.8 0.244
- KUI 8AB 653. 1922.3 0.545 28.6 39.0 0.493 ZIRM
02280+0158 0.5516 0.769 79.9 291.4 2008.8877 39.2 0.491
- CAR 1 10.31 1997.93 0.452 179.1 104.8 0.119 ZIRM &
03496+6318 34.9176 0.103 38.4 111.9 2012.1018 122.0 0.125 HORSCH
3211 HU 609 82.38 1978.04 0.491 11.0 290.1 0.181 DOCOBO &
04263+3443 4.3700 0.231 122.0 276.0 2008.8497 286.8 0.181 LING
- HDS 576 53.90 1995.12 0.859 110.6 185.0 0.104 CVETKOVIC
04287+2613 6.6796 0.389 81.4 277.1 2008.7022 192.3 0.104
- HDS 599 40.90 2003.81 0.759 152.0 205.5 0.119 CVETKOVIC
04389-1207 8.8020 0.284 75.5 284.1 2007.8234 214.0 0.115
3536 D 5AB 2733. 2058. 0.436 150.2 201.4 0.574 RICA
04573+5345 0.1317 2.82 106.5 299.6 2012.8985 200.6 0.579
3991 WNC 2A,BC 923. 2586. 0.72 143.4 158.6 3.078 RICA
05239-0052 0.3901 2.89 102.5 139.1 2008.08 158.5 3.086
- CLO 10Aa,Ab 12.895 1991.822 0.281 159.2 163.0 0.365 MASON &
05287-6527 27.9187 0.304 63.0 157.3 2006.0660 172.7 0.309 HARTKOPF
4376 STF3115 1503.7 1748.3 0.512 41.2 334.4 0.789 HARTKOPF
05491+6248 0.2394 2.858 104.4 320.8 2008.10 333.7 0.787 & HARSHAW
- KUI 24 260. 1975.8 0.0 140.1 143.5 0.316 ZIRM
06145+1754 1.3848 0.507 87.3 0.0 2009.2622 143.6 0.307
4950 STF 881AB 503. 1650.0 0.518 61.2 146.8 0.639 ZIRM
06221+5922 0.7163 0.683 43.7 233.8 2007.1950 147.3 0.636
6381 STF1146 1331.6 1832.4 0.401 17.8 341.5 1.129 HARTKOPF
07479-1212 0.2704 5.790 97.8 345.1 2012.10 340.6 1.110 & HARSHAW
- YR 13 23.043 1971.428 0.704 235.8 136.4 0.396 MASON &
08364+6718 15.6229 0.484 131.5 243.0 2010.0107 124.1 0.355 HARTKOPF
- COU1897 46.79 2016.77 0.685 134.9 290.2 0.086 DOCOBO &
08585+3548 7.6940 0.150 59.4 248.9 2010.005 299.4 0.080 TAMAZIAN
7223 B 179 83.79 2019.30 0.816 146.6 154.1 0.336 DOCOBO &
09100-2845 4.2960 0.470 116.4 115.6 2011.037 151.8 0.304 CAMPO
7477 STF1374AB 1377. 2376.8 0.342 34.3 310.0 2.822 LING
09414+3857 0.2614 3.190 38.9 44.8 2010.264 310.3 2.819
8007 STF1500 2120.7 1873.1 0.544 311.0 300.2 1.345 HARTKOPF
11000-0328 0.1698 3.371 98.9 334.7 2010.39 300.0 1.339 & HARSHAW
8611 STF1663 986. 1671.0 0.070 113.7 68.6 0.637 ZIRM
12372+2112 0.3653 0.701 141.5 280.9 2010.2620 68.2 0.636
- COU 596 38.13 1988.88 0.976 78.0 201.6 0.184 DOCOBO
12409+2708 9.4414 0.118 140.5 60.1 2008.240 200.9 0.179 & LING
- COU1579 90.81 2023.25 0.646 158.0 136.0 0.226 DOCOBO
12533+4246 3.9643 0.409 72.2 66.3 2008.4611 138.9 0.229 & LING
8759 BU 929 438. 2173.4 0.0 25.9 193.8 0.533 ZIRM
13039-0340 0.8218 0.781 101.1 0.0 2007.3600 193.5 0.525
8887 HO 260 246. 1884.6 0.8 116.1 86.5 1.609 ZIRM
13235+2914 1.4646 2.120 77.1 110.0 2010.3950 86.9 1.622
8917 BU 113 1056.4 2043.9 0.352 276.8 268.0 1.716 HARTKOPF
13291+1128 0.3408 2.639 51.5 9.1 2009.26 268.4 1.717 & HARSHAW
9329 STF1863 538. 1774.3 0.910 140.2 60.5 0.648 ZIRM
14380+5135 0.6693 1.080 108.2 269.0 2010.5400 60.3 0.648
9340 STF1867 1069. 2086.9 0.914 85.2 354.3 0.672 ZIRM
14407+3117 0.3368 1.209 136.0 240.1 2010.5410 354.0 0.666
9626 STF1938Ba,Bb 256.5 1864.25 0.579 176.2 4.5 2.223 SCARDIA
15245+3723 1.4035 1.450 134.2 338.7 2012.457 4.1 2.220 et al. (*)
- HDS2309 27.25 1998.94 0.436 110.8 11.3 0.113 CVETKOVIC
16206+4535 13.2098 0.199 66.6 83.8 2010.4677 25.9 0.115
- HDS2440 26.84 1998.92 0.247 94.8 167.5 0.109 CVETKOVIC
17155+1052 13.4123 0.157 122.8 94.0 2010.4784 153.8 0.116
11432 STT 354 426. 1783.9 0.504 149.7 212.7 0.584 ZIRM
18320+0647 0.8452 0.801 63.6 252.0 2009.6590 213.3 0.581
12101 CHR 84Aa,Ab 3.5510 1997.3454 0.597 96.9 26.5 0.099 MASON
19091+3436 101.3793 0.074 147.3 263.9 2012.3460 346.8 0.090 et al. (**)
12160 BU 139AB 587. 2128.7 0.533 136.4 136.1 0.607 ZIRM
19126+1651 0.6131 0.552 95.4 133.8 2009.7440 136.1 0.604
13277 STT 395 1201. 1863.7 0.932 84.5 126.1 0.851 ZIRM
20020+2456 0.2997 2.687 79.0 276.5 2009.8910 126.3 0.851
13554 WRH 33Aa,Ab 10.040 1963.012 0.118 144.9 348.5 0.021 MASON &
20136+4644 35.8578 0.043 104.7 129.8 1985.8425 328.7 0.038 HARTKOPF
14421 STT 418 787. 1826.9 0.712 111.7 283.9 0.964 ZIRM
20548+3242 0.4577 1.832 93.3 93.9 2010.5490 283.8 0.959
- COU2431Aa1,2 0.3081 2013.0444 0.6565 69.8 299.2 0.00841 DOCOBO &
20599+4016 1168.323 0.01391 59.8 17.3 2012.574 221.8 0.00868 CAMPO I
- COU2431Aa1,2 0.3081 2013.0444 0.6565 84.7 215.3 0.00841 DOCOBO &
20599+4016 1168.323 0.01391 120.2 17.3 2012.574 292.7 0.00868 CAMPO II
15600 MCA 69Aa,Ab 2.2452 1970.9891 0.483 89.8 245.5 0.061 MASON
22038+6438 160.3449 0.074 70.9 272.6 2012.8714 98.8 0.064 et al. (**)
- HDS3158 80.57 1991.76 0.450 71.8 118.9 0.415 CVETKOVIC
22161-0705 4.4679 0.389 36.0 273.9 2009.7553 121.7 0.419
16530 HU 994 237.7 1967.4 0.289 129.6 319.2 0.176 DOCOBO
23078+6338 1.514 0.281 82.1 128.4 2008.765 319.7 0.172 & CAMPO
- HDS3315 33.38 1996.12 0.815 23.0 204.6 0.237 CVETKOVIC
23167+3441 10.7856 0.131 113.5 355.4 2008.6992 203.9 0.237
Andre Amosse, President of the Association Jonckheere, Lille Observatory, reports the
following new double star BD+31 1051 = Tyc 2404-617-1 of 9.3 mag.
The instrument used was the Refractor of the Lille Observatory (diameter: 33 cm; focal 6m)
with the Atik 16IC CCD camera (659x494 pixels) - pixel size: 7.4mm (square).
The proposed name for the new double star is "AMS 1".
STAR mag. Coord. 2000 Epoch theta (deg) rho (") dm (mag)
AMS 1 9.3 054052 +312304 2011.856 288.4 4.1 3.9
2011.879 284.9 3.9 3.7
2012.205 284.6 3.8 3.5
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29. GEIER, S. & HEBER, U.: Hot subdwarf stars in close-up view. II. Rotational
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32. GRIFFIN, R. F.: The constant orbital period of FF Ursae Majoris. Astron. Astrophys.
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33. GRIFFIN, R. F.: Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities -
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40. GRIFFIN, R. F.: Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities -
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41. GRIFFIN, R. F.: Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities -
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42. GRIFFIN, R. F.: NGC 188 5438A Revised Orbit. Astron. J. 144 51 (2012).
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45. HARTKOPF, W. I.: Plotting the future of the WDS. AIP Conference Proceedings,
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61. MASON, B. D.: "Visual" orbit solutions from observing techniques old and new.
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62. MASON, B. D, HARTKOPF, W. I. & FRIEDMAN, E. A.: Speckle Interferometry
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86. THOMPSON, S. E. et al.: A Class of Eccentric Binaries with Dynamic Tidal Distortions
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87. TOKOVININ, A.: Speckle Interferometry and Orbits of "Fast" Visual Binaries.
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89. TOKOVININ, A. er al.: Revealing Companions to Nearby Stars with Astrometric
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91. ZHUCHKOV, R. Y. et al: Physical parameters and dynamical properties of the
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J. Murray FLETCHER (1940-2012)
On April 17th, 2012, J. Murray Fletcher passed away suddenly at the Royal Jubilee Hospital
following heart surgery. He was employed at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory and
worked in astronomical research and optical desing and testing. He retired in 2010 after
45 years of service.
Brian D. Mason
Christopher Leon MORBEY (1942-2012)
Christopher L. Morbey passed away last year. He had worked for NCR and the Dominion
Astrophysical Observatory on Little Saanich Mountain for more than 42 years studying stars
and designing optical equipment for telescopes, including the Far Ultraviolet
Spectrographic launched in 1999 from Cape Canaveral. He retired in 2005.
Brian D. Mason
Errata in Information Circular No. 178
* In the entry for WDS 23568+0444 (A 2100), the value of the omega should be 60.6,
rather than 66.6 (B. D. Mason).
* In the Announcements section, the parallax for TYCHO 40.501.1 should be 0".0114
instead of 0".114 (M. Sardia).
The deadline for contributions to Information Circular No. 180 is:
June 15th 2013
J. A. Docobo (
J. F. Ling (
Tel: +34 981592747
Fax: +34 981597054
Observatorio Astronomico "R. M. Aller"
P. O. Box 197
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ISSN: 1024-7769
(revised version)
ADS Name P (yr) T e W(2000) 2013 Author
RA 2000 DEC n (deg) a (") i (deg) w (deg) Last ob. 2014
- I 699 290.0 1884.54 0.65 117.8 129.7 4.258 ZIRM
00021-6817 1.2414 2.738 57.7 207.1 2000.5800 129.9 4.256
- I 45AB 665.1 1773.66 0.023 1.2 203.2 0.682 ZIRM
00335-5520 0.5413 0.736 129.9 16.2 2008.5431 202.8 0.684
- I 262 663.9 1398.89 0.369 34.7 79.2 0.526 ZIRM
01089-2937 0.5422 0.939 130.9 1.2 2008.5460 78.2 0.528
- I 276 795.5 1869.63 0.887 74.8 159.3 1.446 ZIRM
05270-6837 0.4526 1.704 129.5 112.3 2008.7530 159.1 1.452
5407 A 2825 506.4 2011.1 0.342 172.2 172.8 0.256 ZIRM
06450+1045 0.7109 0.390 103.7 354.4 2012.2270 172.5 0.257
7524 I 205 461.0 1868.7 0.0 43.5 284.9 1.838 ZIRM
09487-2625 0.7809 2.277 140.2 0.0 2001.0797 284.0 1.844
7775 STT 217 139.8 1966.98 0.984 121.2 148.2 0.774 SCARDIA
10269+1713 2.5753 0.470 47.3 219.9 2012.380 148.4 0.779 et al. (*)
- COU 292 25.02 1981.60 0.592 61.7 59.4 0.194 DOCOBO
10269+1931 14.3885 0.149 138.4 215.1 2006.2814 54.6 0.206 & LING
8480 A 1999 200.01 2014.08 0.589 198.1 108.4 0.215 RICA
12154+4008 1.7999 0.983 58.0 279.4 2012.228 124.2 0.220
- I 1227 100.88 1981.74 0.647 26.2 144.8 0.341 ZIRM
13134-5042 3.5685 0.317 133.2 90.2 2006.1998 143.2 0.343
- HDS1898 30.87 1998.89 0.718 238.3 146.5 0.158 RICA
13327+2230 11.6637 0.245 67.8 93.0 2012.228 153.8 0.160
9492 HO 391AB 536. 2016.7 0.376 107.7 55.5 0.996 LING
15041-0653 0.6716 2.263 128.1 70.4 2009.2657 53.4 0.982
9578 STF1932AB 203.1 1941.48 0.653 63.8 264.4 1.623 SCARDIA
15183+2650 1.7725 1.210 58.6 51.3 2013.307 264.8 1.622 et al. (*)
- COU1445 70.59 1993.39 0.991 64.7 207.8 0.115 DOCOBO
15420+4203 5.0999 0.263 81.1 284.6 2005.5152 208.3 0.119 & LING
- I 557 184.87 2003.34 0.867 195.6 192.3 0.254 ZIRM
16094-3103 1.9473 0.425 73.7 215.0 2008.5479 193.0 0.273
- COU1289 16.09 2001.07 0.753 63.2 65.0 0.109 DOCOBO
16584+3943 22.3742 0.075 113.0 154.3 2010.4677 61.9 0.095 & LING
- I 407 292.32 1979.86 0.772 180.7 257.2 0.108 ZIRM
17081-4137 1.2315 0.574 101.4 135.6 2009.2606 253.0 0.112
10819 A 2186 170.75 1902.46 0.857 41.5 253.7 0.236 ZIRM
17500+0031 2.1083 0.535 97.9 274.1 2012.537 252.9 0.240
14396 A 750AB 30.45 2013.49 0.723 65.9 108.3 0.052 DOCOBO
20527+4607 11.8227 0.212 128.7 351.6 2009.6209 37.9 0.059 & CAMPO
14412 A 751 56.87 1976.04 0.591 177.3 52.7 0.181 SCARDIA
20537+5918 6.3302 0.169 130.6 276.2 2011.895 49.8 0.181 et al. (*)
15599 BU 696AB 160.3 2006.74 0.909 172.2 352.5 0.202 RICA
22045+1551 2.2465 0.386 84.9 46.4 2012.5346 352.8 0.222
- HDS3241 105.0 2005.5 0.731 136.2 254.4 0.115 DOCOBO
22493+1517 3.4286 0.253 50.9 354.2 2010.4765 260.8 0.129 & CAMPO
16850 SEE 492 77.05 1968.16 0.506 74.3 23.5 0.630 DOCOBO
23357-2729 4.6723 0.559 47.5 107.5 2010.9681 25.6 0.634 & CAMPO
ADS Name X0 Xa rho_0 T0 2013 Author
RA 2000 DEC - Y0 Ya theta_0 Last ob. 2014
- I 1107AB 0.790 -0.00636 0.954 1974.662 31.4 1.048 ZIRM
09223-5428 - -0.535 -0.00938 55.9 1996.178 30.8 1.053
7635 I 293 0.004 0.00246 0.005 2027.889 326.6 0.060 ZIRM
10052-2812 - -0.003 0.00316 52.1 1993.090 326.9 0.056
7852 I 857 -0.232 0.00122 0.252 2015.494 248.8 0.252 ZIRM
10366-2846 - 0.098 0.00289 247.0 1998.142 248.1 0.252
- I 221 0.311 0.00424 0.516 1938.555 105.5 0.650 ZIRM
13368-3224 - 0.411 -0.00320 142.9 1998.140 105.1 0.653
- I 121Aa,Ab 0.521 -0.00186 0.537 1925.059 155.7 0.869 ZIRM
19507-5912 - 0.129 0.00754 103.9 1999.784 156.0 0.875
Information for two orbits announced by Mason, Farrington & ten Brummelaar in the
previous IAUDS Circular No. 179:
WDS 19091+3436 : Combined solution orbit.
Mass(a) = 0.802 +/- 0.055 Msun,
Mass(b) = 0.622 +/- 0.053 Msun,
orbital parallax = 28.26 +/- 1.70 mas.
WDS 22038+6438 : Combined solution orbit.
Mass(a) = 1.045 +/- 0.031 Msun,
Mass(b) = 0.408 +/- 0.066 Msun,
orbital parallax = 38.10 +/- 2.81 mas.
Misprint in the Information Circular No. 179:
For WDS03496+6318 - CAR 1 the authors are : Zirm & Horch (not Zirm & Horsch).
The deadline for contributions to Information Circular No. 181 is:
October 15th 2013
J. A. Docobo (
J. F. Ling (
Tel: +34 981592747
Fax: +34 981597054
Observatorio Astronomico "R. M. Aller"
P. O. Box 197
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ISSN: 1024-7769
(revised version)
ADS Name P (yr) T e W(2000) 2013 Author
RA 2000 DEC n (deg) a (") i (deg) w (deg) Last ob. 2014
- RST3343 187.8 2058.25 0.164 88.9 259.2 0.279 DOCOBO
00126-1142 1.9166 0.277 42.0 272.5 2008.6059 260.6 0.278 & LING
713 HU 201 128.9 1932.97 0.688 124.6 118.4 0.872 SCARDIA
00521-1314 2.7929 0.542 44.1 160.0 2008.770 119.0 0.868 et al. (*)
- HDS 160 46.56 2029.98 0.408 27.0 99.0 0.108 CVETKOVIC
01129+5136 7.7313 0.192 66.2 239.2 2010.0100 108.6 0.103
1339 STF 147 627. 2014.7 0.919 86.9 254.7 0.138 RICA
01417-1119 0.5738 2.50 82.0 174.7 2012.921 262.4 0.184
6776 HO 525AB 935. 1967. 0.70 144.9 347.2 0.422 RICA
08231+2001 0.3850 0.84 39.1 115.7 2012.230 348.0 0.426
8196 STF1547 3453. 1228. 0.20 138. 331.1 15.405 HARTKOPF
11317+1422 0.1043 16.25 58. 100. 2013.296 331.2 15.402 & MASON
- CHR 258 13.53 2010.54 0.165 302.5 207.1 0.097 GRIFFIN
11560+3520 26.6058 0.143 135.1 9.90 2007.01 172.9 0.117 & MASON
8739 BU 1082 104.0 1921.34 0.416 93.2 109.4 0.945 DOCOBO
13007+5622 3.4623 1.214 49.5 112.7 2011.408 113.0 0.893 & CAMPO
9378 STT 285AB 88.93 2060.82 0.525 71.4 84.7 0.496 SCARDIA
14455+4223 4.0482 0.327 166.6 171.3 2013.462 83.3 0.497 et al. (*)
- HDS2203 26.31 2013.88 0.372 117.2 27.1 0.003 CVETKOVIC
15379+5005 13.6816 0.230 80.8 297.8 2010.4730 102.5 0.078
9763 A 2230AB 528.79 1939.76 0.146 210.7 19.5 4.590 GATEWOOD
15440+0231 0.6808 5.037 144.5 129.5 2013.49 18.8 4.593 & MASON
- COU 66 235.7 2028.2 0.464 143.8 89.7 0.540 RICA
15465+1957 1.5277 0.87 160.7 118.4 0.000 86.3 0.528
9836 I 977 274.5 1968.88 0.364 102.9 256.6 0.497 SCARDIA
15557-2645 1.3115 0.754 65.8 29.7 2010.585 257.7 0.512 et al. (*) (I)
9836 I 977 816.6 1967.58 0.706 107.5 255.8 0.525 SCARDIA
15557-2645 0.4409 1.616 69.7 20.4 2010.585 256.8 0.542 et al. (*) (II)
- HDS2412Aa,Ab 41.32 1999.45 0.622 73.6 185.2 0.630 CVETKOVIC
17031-5314 8.7130 0.589 133.8 94.1 2012.3540 181.1 0.639
- HDS2445 77.12 2004.47 0.402 82.9 263.5 0.264 CVETKOVIC
17176+1025 4.6679 0.332 100.9 93.6 2010.4784 262.3 0.276
- BSO 13AB 953.0 1907.5 0.825 137.3 257.2 10.267 SCARDIA
17191-4638 0.3778 13.341 40.5 329.7 2010.629 257.4 10.338 et al. (*)
- B 342 1236. 2016. 0.68 103. 112.9 0.384 HARTKOPF
17294-3831 0.2913 1.38 73. 38. 2008.54 113.7 0.375 & HARSHAW
- MLR 571 71.15 2007.05 0.374 203.1 143.9 0.080 GRIFFIN
17335+5734 5.0594 0.128 144.1 0.7 2009.45 134.3 0.082 & MASON
10977 BU 47 403.9 2013. 0.478 85.3 73.9 0.609 HARTKOPF
18015-1014 0.8914 1.209 54. 339.8 2009.71 75.7 0.616 & HARSHAW
- KUI 88 909.7 1865. 0.341 137.8 155.9 0.503 HARTKOPF
18488-1836 0.3957 0.598 124. 232. 2003.64 155.6 0.506 & HARSHAW
11837 A 258 1353. 2007. 0.67 247. 240.5 0.372 HARTKOPF
18550+3053 0.2661 1.52 97. 32. 2007.61 240.1 0.363 & HARSHAW
- YSC 134 0.4568 2013.8054 0.1393 201.6 217.1 0.027 DOCOBO
19264+4928 788.091 0.0270 139.8 238.8 2012.574 170.5 0.028 et al. (**)
- YSC 13 11.937 2014.324 0.761 41.4 183.3 0.073 DOCOBO
19027+4307 30.158 0.094 44.4 267.3 2012.571 226.6 0.035 et al. (***)
12104 D 19AB 2858. 1903. 0.73 190. 343.8 0.477 HARTKOPF
19083+5520 0.1260 2.95 100. 162. 2009.74 343.2 0.471 & HARSHAW
- COU1462 23.17 1993.93 0.692 38.4 211.3 0.240 DOCOBO
19089+3404 15.5373 0.315 83.8 273.3 2009.4306 213.3 0.240 & LING
13148 YR 2Aa,Ab 54.08 2016.9 0.484 216.7 33.3 0.093 HARTKOPF
19556+5226 6.6567 0.141 113. 259.9 2010.47 27.2 0.080 & HARSHAW
13418 A 383 453.0 2318.9 0.678 251. 9.8 0.343 HARTKOPF
20080+4204 0.7947 0.478 115. 94. 2008.55 9.3 0.343 & HARSHAW
- COU2416 56.88 1995.77 0.477 95.7 127.0 0.270 DOCOBO
20151+3742 6.3291 0.223 37.8 248.7 2009.7583 130.0 0.273 & LING
- HEI 7 30.64 1996.75 0.629 26.4 251.0 0.687 DOCOBO
20374+7536 11.7494 0.469 34.4 46.9 2007.328 254.6 0.673 & ANDRADE
14638 STF2752AB 507.7 2124.1 0.450 335.5 183.0 3.623 HARTKOPF
21072-1355 0.7091 3.876 54. 349.9 2000.38 183.4 3.592 & HARSHAW
15530 HU 774 85.56 2046.06 0.528 98.8 188.5 0.190 DOCOBO
21597+4907 4.2076 0.138 20.8 254.2 2008.639 190.3 0.188 & ANDRADE
- B 2056 82.6 2016.4 0.026 155.8 174.1 0.167 HARTKOPF
22134-3729 4.3579 0.209 114. 336. 2013.74 171.4 0.174 & HARSHAW
- HU 1334 405.2 1976.0 0.643 342.3 242.5 0.354 HARTKOPF
22268-4537 0.8884 0.551 149. 349.0 2008.54 241.1 0.360 & HARSHAW
ADS Name X0 Xa rho_0 T0 2013
RA 2000 DEC - Y0 Ya theta_0 Last ob. 2014
- XMI 1 0.003000 -0.117550 0.208 1765.8940 271.3 29.074
00038-1317 - -0.208000 -0.001800 0.900 2003.7480 271.3 29.121
82 STF3064 -8.784000 0.042850 22.023 1717.0031 8.6 26.011
00076+4009 - -20.195999 -0.018630 336.500 2008.7350 8.7 26.021
- HJ 3353 -1.815000 -0.072540 3.188 1657.5811 298.9 31.536
00138-7442 - 2.621000 -0.050220 214.700 1998.6000 298.9 31.571
561 H 5 18AD -5.428000 -0.057910 13.874 909.7330 281.7 70.807
00405+5632 - 12.768000 -0.024620 203.000 2011.7510 281.7 70.832
671 STF 60AD 71.589996 -1.112060 158.685 1929.7010 353.1 189.756
00491+5749 - -141.619003 -0.562160 26.800 2011.7200 353.2 190.029
716 STN 3AC 9.759000 0.154940 12.394 2029.5950 146.4 13.063
00522-2237 - 7.641000 -0.197900 128.100 1999.5630 146.0 13.031
- ENG 3 9.142000 0.177000 13.895 2163.4519 207.5 38.117
00550+2406 - 10.464000 -0.155430 138.900 2003.8090 207.4 38.029
- STI 146 0.118000 -0.085890 7.331 1877.4540 303.1 13.774
00559+5937 - -7.330000 -0.001390 0.900 2010.6260 303.0 13.803
- STI1501 -2.764000 0.003810 2.820 1655.3970 349.2 7.449
00591+5824 - -0.557000 -0.018890 281.400 2010.6290 349.2 7.456
- STF 83 1.259000 -0.052340 2.027 1579.7841 312.4 29.009
01035+5019 - -1.589000 -0.041450 38.400 2010.0010 312.4 29.036
- STI1537 0.232000 0.112630 0.297 1860.5200 39.4 27.466
01072+5752 - 0.186000 -0.140250 128.800 2010.6860 39.4 27.538
- STI1556 -0.763000 -0.036840 10.386 2050.2571 3.3 10.476
01182+5742 - -10.358000 0.002710 355.800 2010.6750 3.2 10.474
- STI1571 5.191000 -0.099680 7.071 1950.2581 354.7 11.635
01200+5747 - -4.802000 -0.107760 47.200 2011.8480 354.5 11.682
1176 HO 9AD -28.871000 -0.459220 78.739 1955.1940 221.5 83.784
01291+2143 - 73.253998 -0.180990 201.500 2002.6370 221.6 83.851
1202 STF 132AC -58.965000 -0.107460 67.128 1975.2950 248.7 67.668
01321+1657 - 32.083000 -0.197510 241.400 2007.6300 248.7 67.679
- HJ 2055AB 2.310000 -0.043670 4.624 1563.8831 311.5 23.118
01402+7303 - -4.006000 -0.025180 30.000 2007.9900 311.5 23.137
- GAL 320 -2.214000 0.051560 6.259 2325.8770 269.3 18.338
02080-0951 - -5.854000 -0.019510 339.300 2010.6200 269.3 18.317
1675 ES 48 -4.802000 -0.144100 8.927 1928.4200 270.9 17.022
02096+4251 - 7.525000 -0.091960 212.500 2008.6450 271.1 17.080
- STTA 24AC -64.516998 -0.270550 102.418 1921.6121 236.3 107.273
02129+5712 - 79.542999 -0.219440 219.100 2003.6400 236.4 107.315
- STT 555AB 42.573002 -0.343760 94.335 2144.5840 55.1 107.055
02136+5104 - -84.181999 -0.173850 26.800 2004.0610 55.0 106.982
- BKO 168AC -1.045000 0.111470 3.114 2039.1980 244.3 4.378
02188+5714 - 2.933000 0.039000 199.600 2007.1750 243.8 4.344
2081 STF 296AC -16.910999 -0.335500 63.659 1800.2590 244.7 97.694
02442+4914 - 61.372002 -0.092450 195.400 2002.8500 244.8 97.799
2081 STF 296BC -11.974000 -0.316870 66.191 1825.8781 232.8 89.575
02442+4914 - 65.098999 -0.058280 190.400 2007.9980 232.8 89.662
2472 JC 1AC 36.548000 -0.041620 39.274 1948.3060 122.1 39.961
03195-2145 - 14.377000 0.105000 111.500 1999.6890 122.1 39.970
- LDS1579 2.298000 0.136340 4.167 1975.9690 89.0 7.375
03435+7247 - -3.476000 0.090150 33.500 2012.0551 89.3 7.429
3029 HO 327AB -12.316000 -0.068790 15.748 1928.4500 277.8 18.317
04096+3139 - -9.815000 0.086320 308.600 2012.8500 277.7 18.340
- HJ 3641 -8.108000 0.004730 8.120 1883.1169 213.0 13.785
04148-6212 - 0.448000 0.085000 266.800 2003.9301 212.9 13.812
3321 STFB 2AC 48.105000 0.029780 48.887 1256.5630 31.4 135.686
04359+1631 - 8.704000 -0.164610 100.300 2011.9100 31.4 135.790
3384 DAW 81BC -0.159000 0.017530 0.168 1861.7581 17.4 8.333
04404-2935 - -0.054000 -0.052150 288.600 2004.8320 17.4 8.355
- HJ 3697 -11.904000 0.020000 12.880 2041.1379 254.3 12.968
04503-4119 - 4.918000 0.050110 247.600 1998.9900 254.2 12.966
3475 BU 883AB,C -2.056000 -0.086870 14.883 2008.9380 189.4 14.888
04512+1104 - 14.740000 -0.012120 187.900 2010.1400 189.5 14.889
3588 BU 314AB,C 37.598999 0.142280 52.617 1962.8380 56.6 53.605
04590-1623 - -36.807999 0.145340 45.600 2007.7860 56.7 53.620
- STT 561AB 122.907997 0.017360 123.046 1953.1390 282.9 125.006
05076+0928 - -5.820000 -0.366680 272.700 2003.9750 282.9 125.032
- HJ 3742 -16.146000 -0.052000 18.051 1807.1281 296.5 30.006
05135-5534 - 8.071000 -0.104040 243.400 2000.8900 296.5 30.043
3935 ES 1231AC -5.715000 0.033970 7.996 1673.5460 18.5 18.330
05225+4621 - -5.593000 -0.034700 314.400 2011.2490 18.6 18.348
- HJ 3757 -10.371000 0.095660 15.289 1938.3879 349.8 18.128
05232-3145 - -11.234000 -0.088310 317.300 1999.0389 350.0 18.156
- FAB 19AC 1.014000 0.034420 1.215 1680.3000 36.7 20.864
05431-3516 - 0.668000 -0.052250 123.400 2010.5000 36.7 20.889
- STI 579 2.475000 -0.018020 3.016 2248.7490 123.0 8.017
05446+6320 - -1.724000 -0.025870 55.100 2012.0770 123.0 8.005
4566 STT 545AC -22.202999 -0.045550 26.046 1450.8621 300.5 55.488
05597+3713 - 13.617000 -0.074270 238.500 2007.1810 300.5 55.519
- HJ 3831AC -1.169000 -0.005900 1.173 1739.0210 188.2 19.536
06042-4109 - -0.097000 0.070880 274.800 2010.5000 188.2 19.560
- FRK 6AB -47.723999 -0.010160 47.772 1969.6410 279.1 48.782
06386+4020 - 2.142000 -0.226430 267.400 2002.9510 279.2 48.800
- FRK 6AC 62.009998 -0.009480 62.065 1933.3361 71.4 64.635
06386+4020 - -2.604000 -0.225740 87.600 2002.9510 71.3 64.660
- SIN 24AC 61.924999 -0.124440 64.441 2055.6089 90.4 67.206
06565+4004 - -17.830999 -0.432160 73.900 2004.1990 90.3 67.154
5871 STT 166AC 13.882000 -0.015140 14.067 1987.4500 71.0 14.273
07128+2713 - -2.275000 -0.092410 80.700 1998.7600 70.8 14.279
6126 STF1104AD 16.093000 0.194510 20.364 1798.9110 21.1 71.009
07294-1500 - -12.478000 -0.250870 307.800 1999.9700 21.2 71.130
- HJ 424AB 1.823000 -0.014910 9.443 2903.6860 113.8 16.503
07309+2441 - 9.265000 0.002930 168.900 2006.1760 113.8 16.498
6189 DOO 42AD 17.528000 0.056590 20.303 2079.6250 39.6 21.627
07345-1352 - -10.246000 0.096810 59.700 1999.9980 39.7 21.611
6335 BU 580AB -0.493000 0.619670 7.243 1946.2111 76.2 42.234
07453+2802 - -7.226000 -0.042290 356.100 2009.2080 76.2 42.478
6335 BU 580AE 2.837000 0.625960 26.054 1554.2321 88.9 290.185
07453+2802 - 25.899000 -0.068580 173.800 1987.0400 88.9 290.460
6335 BU 580AG -10.413000 0.634860 151.270 2026.2150 352.9 151.498
07453+2802 - -150.910995 -0.043800 356.100 2009.2080 353.0 151.484
- ENG 33AB -84.748001 -0.097370 86.697 1914.6870 285.5 97.912
07549+1914 - 18.277000 -0.451480 257.800 2007.9950 285.6 97.997
- ENG 33AC 119.181999 -0.090780 121.528 1942.4110 63.6 125.894
07549+1914 - -23.764000 -0.455270 78.700 2007.9950 63.5 125.943
Authors: W. I. HARTKOPF & B. D. MASON
ADS Name X0 Xa rho_0 T0 2013
RA 2000 DEC - Y0 Ya theta_0 Last ob. 2014
- HDS 12 0.446977 -0.026746 0.450 2004.630 6.4 2.000
00073+2058 - -0.051678 -0.231335 83.40 2012.7050 5.1 2.228
- HDS 215 -0.083000 -0.014014 0.528 1985.557 225.5 0.656
01377+4825 - 0.520979 -0.002233 189.05 2012.7050 226.5 0.664
2156 STF 315 -0.272759 -0.004511 0.310 2154.334 164.7 1.378
02493-1033 - 0.147130 -0.008362 241.66 2013.6251 164.7 1.369
- COU2459AB -0.018088 0.023812 0.640 1982.550 133.0 0.967
04245+5051 - 0.639477 0.000674 181.62 2012.7626 132.1 0.985
7552 A 2762 -0.221836 0.009876 0.363 2034.526 254.1 0.452
09522+0807 - 0.287877 0.007611 217.62 2013.0609 252.8 0.444
8981 STF1769AB 1.034896 -0.000457 1.036 2146.707 44.1 1.575
13381+3910 - 0.053408 0.008862 92.95 2013.3043 44.3 1.569
12215 HO 648AD 11.406055 -0.045549 13.521 2107.759 91.7 15.730
19145+3434 - 7.260119 0.071560 122.48 2013.6302 92.0 15.686
14529 HDS2989Da,Db 0.027848 -0.003106 0.031 2036.407 146.1 0.180
20599+4016 - -0.012502 -0.006918 65.82 2012.7567 145.6 0.173
15896 STF2900AB 0.030955 -0.000263 0.031 1978.441 1.9 0.673
22237+2051 - -0.000419 -0.019461 89.22 2013.5703 1.8 0.693
- YR 17Aa,Ab -0.121978 -0.013966 0.421 2001.257 219.0 0.454
23266+4520 - 0.402442 -0.004233 196.86 2012.6772 220.7 0.460
ALEXEI A. KISELEV (1922-2013)
The Pulkovo Observatory regrets to announce that on September 30, 2013, the famous specialist
in astrometry and stellar astronomy and member of IAU Commission 26, Professor Alexei Kiselev
died at age of 91.
Alexei A. Kiselev was born February 28, 1922 in Petrograd. He headed the study of double and
multiple stars as well as stars with invisible companions at the Pulkovo Observatory. Thanks
to his efforts the 26-inch refractor of Pulkovo Observatory had been converted into the
leading tool among telescopes of the same class around the world. He was the undisputed
leader in the number and duration of the regular series of observations of the Solar System
bodies and binary stars. His monograph "Theoretical Foundations of Photographic Astrometry"
had become required reading for students and researchers specializing in the field of
astrometry. Also he is the author of two Pulkovo catalogs of double star positions. In
addition to the binaries, Prof. Kiselev paid great attention to the study of the Solar
System. He was actively involved in the observations of the satellites of Mars and Halley's
Comet at the Pulkovo South Ordubad station. For his great contribution to the observation of
the minor planets, No. 4592 was named in his honor Alkissia.
Natalia Shakht
The deadline for contributions to Information Circular No. 182 is:
February 15th 2014
J. A. Docobo (
J. F. Ling (
Tel: +34 981592747
Fax: +34 981597054
Observatorio Astronomico "R. M. Aller"
P. O. Box 197
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ISSN: 1024-7769
ADS Name P (yr) T e W(2000) 2014 Author
RA 2000 DEC n (deg) a (") i (deg) w (deg) Last ob. 2015
382 A 1504AB 977. 2071. 0.29 51.9 44.5 0.593 ZIRM
00287+3718 0.3685 0.843 70.2 17.6 2009.7477 44.7 0.594
746 STT 20AB 343. 1904. 0.292 120.9 179.0 0.584 DOCOBO
00546+1911 1.0496 0.704 129.9 151.2 2010.050 178.1 0.588 & LING
819 A 1902 94.57 1963.72 0.812 115.3 213.6 0.359 DOCOBO
00593-0040 3.8067 0.313 50.9 273.2 2008.8876 214.6 0.359 & LING
1451 HU 422 116.0 1949.8 0.478 0.0 24.2 0.316 DOCOBO
01497-1414 3.1035 0.264 120.1 130.4 2008.7699 23.3 0.319 & LING
3172 STT 80 394. 2181. 0.52 13.9 140.3 0.273 ZIRM
04236+4226 0.9137 0.522 106.7 67.7 1997.1364 139.4 0.270
4032 HO 226AB 374. 2097. 0.41 84.4 271.2 0.663 ZIRM
05270+2737 0.9626 0.617 57.6 318.1 2009.1530 271.6 0.658
- HU 1393 142.1 2017.5 0.984 238.5 297.0 0.150 RICA
05354-3316 2.5333 0.624 119.4 86.9 2013.737 292.3 0.124
4349 STF 787AB 920. 2091. 0.80 65.7 55.0 0.690 ZIRM
05460+2119 0.3913 0.900 136.1 146.9 2008.8499 54.7 0.684
4472 BU 1053 511. 1899. 0.88 138.1 359.4 1.872 ZIRM
05535+3720 0.7045 1.387 34.9 62.4 2010.1050 359.5 1.878
7341 A 2477 250.0 2111.3 0.140 195.7 2.4 0.430 RICA
09245+1808 1.4400 0.392 38.0 313.3 2013.252 3.1 0.430
7769 A 2570 311. 2018. 0.84 114.7 283.9 0.092 ZIRM
10260+0256 1.1576 0.447 107.1 287.6 2006.1280 278.2 0.070
8177 L 11 556. 2063.46 0.294 88.9 281.4 1.026 ZIRM
11293+3025 0.6475 1.354 127.8 217.1 2013.3041 280.7 1.026
8751 STF1711 542. 2126. 0.78 179.8 332.1 0.349 ZIRM
13029+1328 0.6642 1.032 97.0 51.6 2008.3090 331.7 0.342
- FIN 350 9.132 2008.382 0.647 21.6 21.5 0.124 DOCOBO
13175-0041 39.4218 0.078 52.6 167.9 2012.184 29.7 0.107 et al. I (*)
- FIN 350 18.442 2009.328 0.021 15.8 19.5 0.126 DOCOBO
13175-0041 19.5207 0.129 73.5 279.3 2012.184 26.0 0.112 et al. II (*)
9174 STF1816 1340. 2079. 0.54 80.2 97.2 0.411 ZIRM
14139+2906 0.2687 1.642 81.7 125.3 2011.4960 97.7 0.400
9177 STF1817 832. 2085. 0.55 6.3 334.4 0.233 ZIRM
14142+2642 0.4327 1.115 99.3 165.9 2005.3900 333.0 0.223
- FIN 371 27.61 1998.61 0.548 37.6 47.3 0.103 ZIRM
14383-4954 13.0372 0.070 117.3 152.3 2013.1292 45.0 0.103
- DON 680 261.4 1943.69 0.436 238.9 242.6 2.256 ZIRM
14494-6714 1.3773 1.945 102.4 203.8 2013.1292 242.4 2.279
9554 STT 295 233. 2021. 0.94 133.8 157.6 0.212 ZIRM
15151+3650 1.5451 0.487 41.7 173.3 2009.4413 159.9 0.189
9742 A 2076 776. 1895. 0.38 1.3 185.3 0.729 ZIRM
15405+1840 0.4639 0.823 73.8 95.0 2008.4700 185.4 0.730
9918 BU 948AB 459. 2050. 0.65 52.6 83.3 0.746 ZIRM
16057-0617 0.7843 1.123 152.5 70.4 2010.5907 82.1 0.735
9952 A 1799 540. 1833. 0.48 90.1 115.9 0.784 ZIRM
16115+1507 0.6667 0.693 123.1 163.6 2010.5820 115.7 0.788
10093 STF2059 955. 2059. 0.52 23.8 181.5 0.324 ZIRM
16309+3804 0.3770 1.114 102.8 297.9 2009.6120 180.6 0.314
10169 STF2091 888. 2059. 0.72 126.5 328.8 0.366 ZIRM
16422+4112 0.4054 0.877 64.7 321.9 2010.6010 329.5 0.357
10866 AC 8 1778. 2018. 0.94 123.9 309.5 0.077 ZIRM
17529+2941 0.2025 0.976 67.5 256.5 2008.5220 314.6 0.065
11001 STF2267 1660. 2121. 0.69 37.3 274.1 0.533 ZIRM
18017+4011 0.2169 1.368 55.5 351.9 2011.6600 274.6 0.528
- B 398 73.46 2008.83 0.371 162.3 181.9 0.150 DOCOBO
18434-5546 4.9006 0.281 111.0 260.5 2013.747 177.0 0.173 & CAMPO
12296 STF2509 627. 1737. 0.75 139.6 328.6 1.829 ZIRM
19169+6312 0.5742 1.345 101.2 325.4 2011.7070 328.6 1.833
13449 STF2652 495. 2185. 0.72 141.3 206.6 0.312 ZIRM
20089+6205 0.7273 0.495 111.2 85.8 2005.7100 206.2 0.312
14570 BU 69AB 443. 2256. 0.40 127.9 2.7 0.380 ZIRM
21026+2141 0.8126 0.996 76.9 88.7 2007.7070 3.9 0.376
14784 STF2783 1760. 1835. 0.22 48.3 353.1 0.674 ZIRM
21141+5818 0.2045 1.685 113.8 18.9 2011.8870 352.6 0.671
15313 STF2825 668. 2136. 0.05 110.2 155.6 0.445 ZIRM
21469+0051 0.5389 0.990 69.8 142.4 2005.9350 156.5 0.440
15610 A 893 105.9 1990.8 0.438 195.3 233.1 0.231 RICA
22052+2952 3.3998 0.225 147.7 190.1 2012.707 230.7 0.238
- WOR 10 336. 1971. 0.412 154.7 8.3 0.841 ZIRM
22107+0755 1.0714 1.388 119.5 33.6 2008.7018 7.0 0.863
16345 BU 382AB 104.85 2043.80 0.541 29.9 239.1 0.735 SCARDIA
22537+4445 3.4335 0.626 47.2 9.0 2011.907 240.5 0.716 et al. (**)
16393 STT 484AB 142.6 1937.71 0.866 142.2 97.9 0.333 SCARDIA
22562+7250 2.5245 0.366 111.4 247.7 2007.589 97.3 0.330 et al. (**)
- HU 1335 43.82 2016.26 0.446 82.7 244.6 0.187 SCARDIA
22586-4531 8.2154 0.338 59.0 197.7 2009.668 256.6 0.192 et al. (**)
- DON1042 98.27 1994.91 0.553 232.4 124.9 0.697 ZIRM
23100-4252 3.6635 0.804 39.7 124.0 2013.7366 127.9 0.712
ADS Name X0 Xa rho_0 T0 2014
RA 2000 DEC - Y0 Ya theta_0 Last ob. 2015
- STF1164 -15.881000 0.215650 22.361 1859.0400 19.5 52.471
08057+6823 - -15.742000 -0.217550 314.800 2004.0100 19.7 52.748
- ENG 34AB 69.908997 0.348000 127.184 1995.1639 143.1 127.428
08161+5706 - 106.247002 -0.229040 146.700 2007.9590 142.9 127.452
- HJ 4084AB 31.657000 0.024180 37.962 2426.2629 149.0 42.039
08179-5910 - 20.952000 -0.036530 123.500 2000.0000 148.9 42.020
6728 HU 1124AB 3.329000 0.000500 3.329 1925.7729 35.0 5.889
08190+4927 - 0.030000 -0.055040 90.500 2006.9580 34.7 5.934
6900 HJ 99AB -9.159000 0.295120 59.635 1964.6470 175.0 61.432
08379-0648 - 58.928001 0.045870 188.800 2010.1100 174.7 61.502
- ENG 36AB -97.564003 0.099970 99.554 1724.4020 337.1 176.339
08398+1131 - -19.802999 -0.492540 281.500 2000.9320 337.1 176.753
7082 HO 357AB,C 8.811000 -0.059820 8.892 1824.7271 358.3 84.414
08549+2612 - -1.199000 -0.439460 82.300 2011.3870 358.3 84.855
- STT 566AB,C 41.077000 0.405870 82.198 2122.7100 181.8 96.705
09006+4147 - 71.197998 -0.234160 150.000 2004.0680 181.6 96.456
7141 STF1302AC -8.915000 0.077690 16.888 2187.4829 255.1 23.175
09012+0245 - 14.344000 0.048290 211.900 2010.2061 254.9 23.112
- HJ 4175AB 5.315000 0.047380 6.171 1720.1350 136.8 28.086
09032-6221 - -3.135000 0.080310 59.500 1991.4600 136.8 28.177
- HJ 156BC 13.585000 -0.037410 19.197 1584.9720 355.3 29.740
10160+1200 - -13.563000 -0.037470 45.000 2003.3470 355.2 29.780
7826 HJ 2534 1.248000 0.128540 16.990 2024.9091 359.5 17.050
10332+4026 - -16.944000 0.009470 4.200 2010.0959 359.9 17.038
- STI2270 2.387000 -0.021380 2.982 1663.0450 203.5 12.863
11246+5651 - 1.788000 0.028540 126.800 2010.2090 203.5 12.898
8250 STF1561BE -0.672000 0.537670 60.063 2042.5620 345.0 62.004
11387+4507 - -60.058998 -0.006020 359.400 2009.4840 345.5 61.864
- STT 574 157.507004 0.020110 157.723 1962.1780 85.8 158.978
11411+3412 - 8.249000 -0.383960 93.000 1998.3600 85.7 159.025
- STT 575AB 5.415000 0.361850 17.888 2125.1169 310.6 45.824
11416+3145 - -17.049000 0.114920 17.600 2012.4139 310.8 45.474
8314 BU 604AC -19.688000 0.465870 77.689 1880.9130 24.9 100.718
11491+1434 - -75.153000 -0.122050 345.300 2007.3621 25.1 101.022
- RST3783 -2.222000 0.145840 3.474 1935.4290 142.9 15.306
12180-1456 - 2.671000 0.121350 219.800 2000.0820 142.7 15.491
8579 ES 726AB -0.443000 0.020910 8.570 1832.9460 159.1 9.372
12307+5352 - 8.559000 0.001080 183.000 2006.4000 159.0 9.380
- HJ 4547 12.824000 -0.124670 26.761 1919.2889 1.9 29.953
12456-6059 - -23.488001 -0.068070 28.600 2012.0150 1.7 30.016
- HJ 2656 14.855000 0.005450 15.165 1440.9620 327.3 21.702
13304-1256 - -3.050000 -0.026540 281.600 2008.4470 327.3 21.721
8949 STF1757AC -4.725000 0.192720 34.645 1782.7860 135.4 56.777
13343-0019 - 34.320999 0.026530 187.800 2003.2670 135.3 56.931
8956 HJ 1234AB -3.967000 -0.091000 27.933 2085.9929 5.2 28.707
13344+3847 - -27.649000 0.013060 351.800 2008.1290 5.0 28.685
8990 HO 382AB -4.177000 0.056690 13.919 1943.1410 359.4 14.542
13408-2815 - -13.277000 -0.017830 342.500 1999.2300 359.6 14.559
- SEE 191 9.739000 0.099000 19.194 1913.1310 118.2 22.476
13546-3436 - 16.539000 -0.058830 149.500 2000.0000 117.9 22.536
- SEE 205AB -0.487000 0.112710 2.052 1803.0920 71.5 24.556
14295-3702 - -1.993000 -0.027530 346.300 2000.0000 71.5 24.672
9413 STF1888AC 21.691999 -0.144780 50.014 1700.3101 340.5 71.006
14514+1906 - -45.063999 -0.069690 25.700 2008.3110 340.4 71.120
- HO 390 12.857000 -0.032080 21.981 1642.7720 177.9 26.433
14557-3351 - 17.827999 0.023130 144.200 1999.5200 178.0 26.455
9446 H N 28AF -12.717000 -1.054460 14.893 1818.6121 326.5 396.099
14575-2125 - 7.752000 -1.729740 238.600 1998.3700 326.5 398.123
9492 HO 391AC -1.712000 0.198330 22.090 2084.2930 323.2 26.146
15041-0653 - -22.024000 -0.015420 355.600 2000.2510 323.6 26.038
- ENG 52AC 129.108002 -1.032780 241.388 1947.5690 13.8 254.690
15073+2452 - -203.959000 -0.653760 32.300 2002.3400 13.5 255.072
- NI 34 6.859000 0.008890 6.862 2014.2820 87.7 6.894
15106+3923 - -0.186000 0.327690 88.500 2003.1770 90.4 6.866
- COO 186 6.130000 -0.002060 6.137 1919.4110 53.8 7.354
15226-5910 - -0.295000 -0.042770 87.200 2004.3600 53.5 7.377
9617 STF1937AB,C 34.071999 -0.152490 42.675 1769.2880 357.5 75.248
15232+3017 - -25.695999 -0.202200 53.000 2006.5710 357.4 75.456
- HJ 252AC 36.273998 0.040270 39.263 1699.6890 72.4 51.340
15249+1359 - 15.026000 -0.097230 112.500 2012.4860 72.3 51.408
- BAL2870 1.785000 0.034230 2.096 1869.5850 44.2 9.661
15413+0350 - 1.099000 -0.055610 121.600 2010.5000 44.1 9.725
- STT 583 93.315002 0.148360 96.571 1939.2830 80.9 105.739
15532+1312 - 24.864000 -0.556810 104.900 1998.1500 80.6 105.970
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12. CORREIA, S. et al.: Stellar and circumstellar properties of visual binaries in the
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13. DAEMGEN, S. et al.: Protoplanetary disk evolution and stellar parameters of T Tauri
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16. DHITAL, S. et al.: The SLoWPoKES catalog of low-mass ultra-wide binaries: A cool stars
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17. DJURASEVIC, G. et al.: Photometric Analysis of HS Aqr, EG Cep, VW LMi, and DU Boo.
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20. EVANS, N. R. et al.: Binary Cepheids: Separations and Mass Ratios in 5 Msun Binaries.
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21. FEKEL, F. C., HENRY, G. W. & SOWELL, J. R.: Absolute Properties of the Eclipsing
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22. FEKEL, F. C., TOMKIN, J. & WILLIAMSON, M. H.: New Precision Orbits of Bright
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23. FEKEL, F. C. et al.: The Spectroscopic Orbits of Five Solar-type, Single-lined
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24. FEKEL, F. C. et al.: The spectroscopic orbit of the K-giant binary γ Canis Minoris.
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25. GALLENNE, A. et al.: Multiplicity of Galactic Cepheids from long-baseline
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26. GRELLMANN, R. et al.: The multiplicity of massive stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster as
seen with long-baseline interferometry. Astron. Astrophys. 550, 82 (2013).
27. GRIFFIN, R. F.: On a Revision of Certain Spectroscopic-binary Orbits. Astron. J. 146,
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28. GRIFFIN, R. F.: Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities -
Paper 228: Ten Stars with Hipparcos Astrometric Orbits. The Observatory 133, 1 (2013).
29. GRIFFIN, R. F.: Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities -
Paper 229: HD 26081, HD 125728, HD 134047 (HR 5631), and HD 228188. The Observatory
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30. GRIFFIN, R. F.: Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities -
Paper 230: Five Short-Period Double-Lined Binaries: HD 25788, HD 32704, HD 45191
(V455 Aur), and HD 213896 (LL Aqr). The Observatory 133, 156 (2013).
31. GRIFFIN, R. F.: Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities -
Paper 231: HD 936, HR 1198, HR 1360, and HD 38750. The Observatory 133, 212 (2013).
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Paper 232: HR 3360, HR 4927, HR 6999, and HR 8653. The Observatory 133, 269 (2013).
33. GRIFFIN, R. F.: Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities -
Paper 233: HD 17922, HD 78899, HD 103613, and HD 160934, with a Note on HD 113449. The
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34. GRIFFIN, R. F. & FUHRMANN, K.: Comments on the nature of HD 75767. Mont. Not. RAS 430,
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astrometry with VLT/NACO at the 100 microarcsecond level. Astron. Astrophys. 552, 18
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54. OLAH, K. et al.: Long-term photometry of three active red giants in close binary
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56. ORLOV, V. G.: Speckle Interferometry and Speckle Photometry of Binary Stars at
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57. ØSTENSEN, R. H. et al.: Binaries discovered by the MUCHFUSS project. FBS 0117+396: An
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58. PALATE, M, RAUW, G. & MAHY, L.: Spectral Modelling of Massive Binary Systems: The
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59. PALATE, M. et al.: Spectral modelling of massive binary systems. Astron. Astrophys.
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60. PALATE, M. et al.: Spectral modelling of the alp Virginis (Spica) binary system.
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61. PAVLOVIC, R. et al.: CCD Measurements of Double and Multiple Stars at NAO Rozhen and
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62. PETERS, G. J. et al: Far-ultraviolet Detection of the Suspected Subdwarf Companion to
the Be Star 59 Cygni. Astrophys. J. 765, 2 (2013)
63. RADIGAN, J. et al: Discovery of a Visual T-dwarf Triple System and Binarity at the L/T
Transition. Astrophys. J. 778, 36 (2013)
64. RADOVIC, V., PAVLOVIC, R. & CVETKOVIC, Z.: Relative-Coordinate Determination for
Visual Double Stars by Applying Fourier Transforms. Serbian Astron. J. 186, 65 (2013).
65. RAPPAPORT, S. et al: Triple-star Candidates among the Kepler Binaries. Astrophys. J.
768, 33 (2013)
66. RATAJCZAK, M. et al.: Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the
ASAS catalogue - V. Investigation of subgiants and giants: the case of ASAS
J010538-8003.7, ASAS J182510-2435.5 and V1980 Sgr. Mont. Not. RAS 433, 2357 (2013)
67. RIZZUTO, A. C. et al: Long-baseline interferometric multiplicity survey of the Sco-Cen
OB association. Mont. Not. RAS 436, 1694 (2013)
68. SAHLMANN, J. & FEKEL, F. C.: Astrometric mass ratios for three spectroscopic binaries.
Astron. Astrophys. 556, 145 (2013).
69. SAITO, M. M., TANIKAWA, K. & ORLOV, V. V.: Disintegration process of hierarchical
triple systems II: non-small mass third body orbiting equal-mass binary. Cel. Mech.
Dyn. Astron. 116(1) 1 (2013).
70. SANA, H. et al.: Three-dimensional orbits of the triple-O stellar system HD 150136.
Astron. Astrophys. 553, 131 (2013).
71. SANA, H. et al.: R144 revealed as a double-lined spectroscopic binary. Mont. Not. RAS
Let. 432, 26 (2013)
72. SCARDIA, M. et al: Speckle observations with PISCO in Merate (Italy) - XII.
Astrometric measurements of visual binaries in 2011. Mont. Not. RAS 434, 2803 (2013).
73. SCHAFFENROTH, V. et al. : A new bright eclipsing hot subdwarf binary from the ASAS and
SuperWASP surveys. Astron. Astrophys. 553, 18 (2013).
74. STRASSMEIER, K. G. et al.: Robotic observations of the most eccentric spectroscopic
binary in the sky. Astron. Astrophys. 559, 17 (2013).
75. SYBILSKI, P. et al.: Non-Keplerian effects in precision radial velocity measurements
of double-line spectroscopic binary stars: numerical simulations. Mont. Not. RAS 431,
2024 (2013)
76. TOKOVININ A.: Kappa Fornaci, a Triple Radio Star. Astron J, 145 (2013).
77. TOKOVININ, A., HARTUNG, M. & HAYWARD, T. L.: Companions to nearby Stars with
Astrometric Acceleration. II. Astron. J. 146, 8 (2013).
78. WILLIAMS, S. J. et al.: Radial Velocities of Galactic O-type Stars. II. Single-lined
Spectroscopic Binaries. Astron. J. 145, 29 (2013).
79. ZHANG, Z. H.: A spectroscopic and proper motion search of Sloan Digital Sky Survey:
red subdwarfs in binary systems. Mont. Not. RAS 434, 1005 (2013)
The star J20354703+4053012 (magnitude B = 13.8) was reported as a likely new member of the
Cygnus OB2 association by Comeron & Pasquali (2012, A&A 543, 101), who classified it as
B2V using low-resolution spectroscopy in the blue. A single-epoch follow-up observation at
intermediate resolution carried out on 26 August 2012 using the ISIS spectrograph at the
William Herschel Telescope on La Palma (Spain) revealed a high heliocentric radial
velocity of this star, amounting to −150 km s−1 .
J20354703+4053012 is at a projected distance of only 3 from A37, another member of Cygnus
OB2 first identified by Comeron et al. (2002, A&A 389, 874) and classified as O5V by
Hanson (2003, AJ 597, 957). A37 was found to be a runaway star by Kobulnicki et al. (2010,
ApJ 710, 549) based on the presence of a clearly delineated bow shock ahead of it revealed
by Spitzer images, caused by the interaction between the stellar wind and the interstellar
medium as A37 moves supersonically through the latter. The angular proximity between both
stars and the high radial velocity of J20354703+4053012 raise the possibility that both
J20354703+4053012 and A37 may be former members of a multiple system, expelled from it in
relatively recent times given their proximity on the sky.
Observations of J20354703+4053012 were carried out in September and October 2013 using the
TWIN spectrograph at the 3.5m telescope on Calar Alto, with the goal of discerning between
a runaway origin of the high radial velocity and the alternative possibility of
spectroscopic binarity. The results conclusively show that J20354703+4053012 is a
spectroscopic binary, with measured radial velocities of −100 km s−1 on 19 September 2013
and +50 km s−1 on 8 October 2013, based on photospheric lines in the 400 nm to 500 nm
interval. A third spectrum obtained on 14 October using a grating setting that covers only
the H-alpha line yields a radial velocity of −50 km s−1 , albeit at lower accuracy. Hints
of a secondary star spectrum are seen in the shapes of the Balmer absorption lines, which
show asymmetric wings extending redward when the center of the line is blueshifted, and
blueward when the center is redshifted. The limited number of epochs available suggests an
orbital period around one month, and the detectability of the secondary star spectrum in
the form of Balmer lines asymmetries suggest that its spectral type is probably around
Having reached the main goal of discarding the runaway nature of J20354703+4053012, the
authors do not have any further follow-up observations of this system planned. With this
note the authors want to encourage other teams to carry out new observations for the goal
of determining the accurate orbital parameters of the binary system.
F. Comeron ^1 , A. Pasquali ^2 , A. Herrero ^3 , S. Simon-Diaz ^3 , T. de Zeeuw ^4,5
1 European Southern Observatory, Santiago de Chile, Chile
2 Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Zentrum fur Astronomie der Universitat Heidelberg,
3 Instituto de Astrofısica de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain
4 European Southern Observatory, Garching bei Munchen, Germany
5 Sterrewacht Leiden, Leiden University, The Netherlands
WDSTOOL is intended for professional astronomers and amateurs specialized in the field of
double stars. This software is only available on the internet. It can perform multiple
searches in the Washington Double Star catalog and create listings of double stars based
on many criteria. The software and database are regularly updated by the author.
David Chiron
The deadline for contributions to Information Circular No. 183 is:
June 15th 2014
J. A. Docobo (
J. F. Ling (
Tel: +34 981592747
Fax: +34 981597054
Observatorio Astronomico "R. M. Aller"
P. O. Box 197
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ISSN: 1024-7769
(revised version)
ADS Name P (yr) T e W(2000) 2014 Author
RA 2000 DEC n (deg) a (") i (deg) w (deg) Last ob. 2015
463 HO 3 69.15 1984.29 0.313 297.5 144.9 0.339 MASON &
00335+4006 5.2059 0.386 113.0 321.0 2012.7020 142.5 0.356 HARTKOPF
1097 BU 4AB 291.1 1942.93 0.890 149.8 107.6 0.585 SCARDIA
01213+1132 1.2367 0.430 141.0 242.8 2008.888 107.4 0.588 et al. (*)
2173 A 1281 158.27 1938.15 0.354 167.5 141.3 0.648 HARTKOPF
02517+4559 2.2746 0.520 43.8 149.6 2012.7050 142.3 0.652 & MASON
4768 BU 1058 605.2 2007.32 0.896 218.2 39.4 0.151 RICA
06105+2300 0.5948 0.718 106.0 81.2 2011.0900 37.9 0.167
- HDO 195CD 99.22 2004.94 0.247 119.8 178.4 0.388 DOCOBO
06298-5014 3.6283 0.541 32.8 9.8 2010.8948 184.2 0.389 & LING
7054 A 1584 70.89 1985.01 0.712 243.1 90.2 0.671 MASON &
08531+5457 5.0783 0.419 33.2 39.5 2013.0393 91.4 0.673 HARTKOPF
- HJ 4539 83.08 2014.60 0.808 4.5 198.0 0.162 DOCOBO
12415-4858 4.3332 0.840 116.2 190.2 2013.2382 166.1 0.143 & CAMPO
8727 CHR 39Aa,Ab 7.879 2011.433 0.347 32.9 342.2 0.092 DOCOBO
12597-0349 45.6911 0.081 27.7 160.3 2009.2600 7.2 0.106 & CAMPO
8954 BU 932AB 177.7 1921.87 0.925 117.7 64.9 0.417 SCARDIA
13347-1313 2.0259 0.531 70.4 103.6 2009.266 65.3 0.418 et al. (*)
9423 BU 31 2085.5 1915.06 0.453 215.4 220.8 2.009 HARTKOPF
14525+1844 0.1726 3.369 64.8 325.1 2013.3071 220.9 2.010 & MASON
10480 A 2593AB 73.99 1989.46 0.026 167.6 345.5 0.274 MASON &
17207-0706 4.8657 0.270 123.4 61.9 2013.4738 342.9 0.272 HARTKOPF
11186 STF2294 344.8 1890.09 0.935 91.1 93.4 1.319 SCARDIA
18146+0011 1.0441 0.732 101.6 173.8 2013.675 93.4 1.323 et al. (*)
11619 A 2388 330. 1942.4 0.850 254.7 131.2 0.256 RICA
18440+0321 1.0909 0.453 70.3 96.0 2012.7256 131.8 0.256 & ZIRM
16132 HO 480 389.40 2019.87 0.764 227.4 340.5 0.104 RICA
22384+2943 0.9245 0.519 48.3 160.5 2011.6554 350.4 0.104
16463 HU 398 150.7 1957.87 0.588 57.5 290.4 0.473 SCARDIA
23024+1837 2.3889 0.315 8.6 68.4 2010.635 291.2 0.475 et al. (*)
Combined linear + orbital results for WDS 01493+4754 = STF 162 AB and CHR 4 Aa,Ab
Authors: ZIRM & RICA
linear solution main components (outer) | visual orbit (inner)
| with photocentric amplitude
X0 = -1.663" | P = 36.9 y
mu_X = -0.00241 "/y | T = 2004.8 y
Y0 = -0.957" | e = 0.234
mu_Y = 0.00418 "/y | alpha = 0.040"
t0 = 1937.83 y | a = 0.122"
theta0 = 209.69 deg | i = 34.4 deg
rho0 = 1.919" | omega = 348.6 deg
mu_XY = 0.00482 "/y | Omega = 32.0 deg
Ephem. | Combined motion | Linear path only | Photocentric orbit | Visual orbit
| | | only | CHR 4Aa,Ab
| theta rho | theta rho | dDEC dRA | theta rho
| (deg) (") | (deg) (") | (deg) (") | (deg) (")
2014 | 198.2 1.972 | 199.0 1.954 | -0.027 0.022 | 139.2 0.107
2015 | 198.1 1.979 | 198.9 1.955 | -0.032 0.019 | 148.7 0.114
Combined linear + orbital results for WDS 03401+3407 = STF 425
Authors: RICA & ZIRM
linear solution main components (outer) | photocentric orbit (inner)
X0 = 1.141" | P = 106.5 y
mu_X = 0.00933 "/y | T = 1980.19 y
Y0 = 1.287" | e = 0.612
mu_Y = -0.00827 "/y | alpha = 0.179"
t0 = 2045.3 y | i = 106.8 deg
theta0 = 48.4 deg | omega = 77.8 deg
rho0 = 1.719" | Omega = 65.5 deg
mu_XY = 0.01247 "/y |
Ephem. | Combined motion | Linear path only | Photocentric orbit only
| theta rho | theta rho | dDEC dRA
| (deg) (") | (deg) (") | (deg) (")
2014 | 59.2 1.913 | 61.2 1.763 | 0.117 0.106
2015 | 59.3 1.907 | 60.8 1.760 | 0.117 0.102
Combined linear + orbital results for WDS 15432+1340 = BU 619
Authors: ZIRM & RICA
linear solution main components (outer) | visual orbit (inner)
| with photocentric amplitude
X0 = 0.0018" | P = 75.2 y
mu_X = 0.00202 "/y | T = 1993.46 y
Y0 = 0.0816" | e = 0.938
mu_Y = -0.00005 "/y | alpha = 0.132"
t0 = 1658y | i = 76.5 deg
theta0 = 88.7 deg | omega = 258.3 deg
rho0 = 0.082" | Omega = 29.7 deg
mu_XY = 0.00202 "/y |
Ephem. | Combined motion | Linear path only | Photocentric orbit only
| theta rho | theta rho | dDEC dRA
| (deg) (") | (deg) (") | (deg) (")
2014 | 358.8 0.681 | 5.2 0.725 | -0.041 -0.079
2015 | 358.8 0.684 | 5.2 0.727 | -0.040 -0.080
ADS Name X0 Xa rho_0 T0 2014
RA 2000 DEC - Y0 Ya theta_0 Last ob. 2015
- HDO 253 20.497999 0.105870 39.829 1885.9919 127.4 42.851
16046-3752 - 34.148998 -0.063550 149.000 1999.3700 127.2 42.896
- HJ 4841 -8.976000 0.144000 40.582 1834.3450 20.5 48.544
16198-5009 - -39.576000 -0.032800 347.200 1999.5601 20.6 48.625
10054 BU 625AC 15.414000 -0.056430 20.110 2189.8799 87.6 25.363
16254+1402 - -12.915000 -0.067350 50.000 2010.6200 87.4 25.309
- POU3235 -4.873000 0.009760 5.205 1958.8770 233.1 5.426
16382+2244 - 1.830000 0.025990 249.400 2011.6740 232.8 5.434
- STT 585AC -54.651001 0.211620 70.610 2335.2251 252.6 128.497
16450+0605 - -44.709999 -0.258670 309.300 2012.3831 252.7 128.217
10213 ES 1089AB 0.488000 0.044790 0.548 1895.7510 150.3 11.669
16465+4759 - -0.249000 0.087810 63.000 2010.4130 150.3 11.768
- HJ 4900 12.488000 -0.023820 13.153 1615.4070 5.2 32.982
16599-5920 - -4.129000 -0.072040 71.700 1999.5800 5.2 33.051
- R 290 8.864000 0.024160 9.503 2019.2590 113.2 9.510
17097-5224 - 3.425000 -0.062540 111.100 2010.5000 112.8 9.507
- STF2181AB -24.138000 0.035940 25.417 1828.7130 328.1 33.138
17317+3019 - -7.960000 -0.108980 288.300 2007.3970 328.3 33.211
- STF2181AC -21.691000 0.007220 21.724 2249.2671 218.4 37.664
17317+3019 - -1.199000 -0.130570 273.200 2002.3300 218.5 37.557
10759 STF2241AC 67.436996 -0.050500 68.832 2151.9319 105.3 77.120
17419+7209 - -13.787000 -0.247020 78.500 2004.3199 105.1 77.005
10742 HO 560AB -0.030000 -0.006840 0.139 1820.5420 263.5 1.361
17434+3357 - -0.136000 0.001490 347.700 2010.5439 263.5 1.368
11003 HO 564AC 63.220001 -0.434820 80.937 1934.0690 16.8 98.236
18025+2619 - -50.537998 -0.543930 51.400 2000.0000 16.5 98.625
11031 HO 426 -6.475000 -0.050630 11.554 1963.1100 229.1 11.966
18039+2639 - 9.569000 -0.034260 214.100 2000.2100 229.4 11.981
11046 STF2272AR 102.882004 -0.275440 106.088 1900.5000 25.5 166.352
18055+0230 - -25.885000 -1.094750 75.900 2009.5620 25.3 167.217
11046 STF2272AT 106.157997 -0.269640 109.331 1953.3690 44.1 128.956
18055+0230 - -26.148001 -1.094720 76.200 2009.5620 43.7 129.543
11046 STF2272AU -38.484001 -0.283900 39.753 1786.5100 336.7 260.695
18055+0230 - 9.965000 -1.096400 255.500 2009.5620 336.7 261.814
11046 STF2272AV 134.126007 -0.242640 137.469 1971.4340 276.3 145.335
18055+0230 - 30.134001 -1.079990 257.300 2010.5179 276.7 145.682
11046 STF2272BR 99.070000 -0.221070 101.289 1891.1620 25.8 165.157
18055+0230 - -21.086000 -1.038660 77.985 2000.6400 25.6 165.992
- HJ 5024 -17.815001 0.045620 32.040 1421.0520 11.7 45.672
18157-6303 - -26.631001 -0.030520 326.200 2000.4200 11.7 45.711
11496 J 99AB -20.004999 0.027990 20.471 1780.7650 338.6 36.955
18367+0640 - -4.344000 -0.128910 282.300 2002.4821 338.7 37.065
11510 STFB 9AE 2.242000 -0.205310 2.817 2271.1750 39.1 87.299
18369+3846 - 1.704000 0.270110 127.200 2012.6010 39.1 86.960
- HJ 5049 -18.049999 0.021000 19.367 1995.2780 245.4 19.400
18374-4704 - 7.018000 0.056320 248.800 2001.3130 245.2 19.403
11658 HJ 2839AC 61.094002 0.006620 61.108 1879.7040 56.4 74.442
18457+2033 - 1.277000 -0.316480 91.200 2001.6331 56.2 74.621
11871 BU 648AB,C -15.359000 -0.171740 23.266 1701.5010 293.3 75.143
18570+3254 - 17.476000 -0.150940 221.300 1992.6340 293.3 75.360
11957 HJ 2851AB 5.925000 -0.082910 14.058 1988.3910 164.5 14.253
19020+1907 - 12.748000 0.038530 155.100 2012.7040 164.9 14.267
- HLM 16AB -6.015000 -0.026270 8.005 2005.0470 308.8 8.014
19079+3043 - -5.282000 0.029910 311.300 2012.6200 308.5 8.015
12166 MAD 7AC -0.730000 -0.062790 1.914 1975.0601 283.5 3.266
19127+2435 - -1.770000 0.025890 337.600 1971.3450 282.8 3.320
12337 HO 272AB -1.296000 0.079970 3.401 1823.3760 55.9 16.834
19217-1715 - -3.144000 -0.032960 337.600 2000.7400 56.0 16.919
12695 STT 591AC -4.560000 0.018000 4.571 1740.3840 179.6 72.276
19364+5013 - 0.323000 0.262960 265.900 1923.7080 179.6 72.539
- HJ 2891 8.748000 0.019000 9.408 1860.1300 109.5 12.479
19423+1937 - -3.461000 0.049540 68.400 2012.5790 109.7 12.514
12811 HJ 895AC 1.433000 0.042950 27.968 1750.6520 25.0 30.174
19429+0115 - -27.931000 0.002000 2.900 2012.5750 25.1 30.190
12889 STF2580BC 58.557999 -0.034500 58.734 2179.7791 137.2 94.486
19464+3344 - -4.539000 -0.445110 85.600 2012.5900 137.0 94.135
12889 STF2576FI -14.386000 -0.018540 14.400 1925.7080 336.8 40.322
19464+3344 - 0.629000 -0.423660 267.500 2013.2990 337.0 40.720
13012 J 124AB -6.696000 -0.245620 14.482 1963.3190 251.6 20.174
19510+1025 - 12.841000 -0.128090 207.500 2008.5800 252.2 20.364
- STI2497 7.563000 -0.021390 7.624 1955.9540 30.6 12.448
20041+5428 - -0.962000 -0.168130 82.800 2010.7000 30.1 12.581
- STT 592AB 107.918999 0.384520 149.610 2130.7451 290.4 163.051
20041+1704 - -103.617996 -0.400480 313.800 2012.5680 290.6 162.828
- STT 592AC 144.585007 0.420450 202.841 1888.2960 334.5 216.389
20041+1704 - -142.266006 -0.427300 314.500 2012.5680 335.1 216.596
- I 1627AC 3.871000 -0.064750 4.414 1889.2159 346.0 17.392
20319-4054 - -2.120000 -0.118240 61.300 2008.7460 345.9 17.522
13998 HJ 1535AC 11.905000 -0.148290 17.742 1883.9070 193.6 31.492
20333+3323 - 13.155000 0.134000 137.800 2012.4340 193.8 31.657
14073 HJ 5545AB,C -1.193000 -0.115740 8.180 2105.9241 135.6 13.512
20375+1436 - 8.092000 -0.017060 188.400 2011.6790 135.9 13.418
14276 BU 1493 44.361000 -0.086330 44.612 1989.2950 120.3 48.975
20453+6150 - 4.722000 0.811060 96.100 1957.7300 121.2 49.293
- ENG 76AB 35.263000 0.063390 36.315 2127.0161 143.3 47.093
20454+5735 - 8.678000 -0.257600 103.800 2004.5439 143.1 46.923
- STT 595AB 7.068000 -0.119640 8.990 2296.0730 47.5 55.343
20501+4404 - 5.556000 0.152000 128.200 2012.6000 47.5 55.152
- BUP 219AB -84.126999 0.029570 84.185 1928.9900 310.9 107.955
20533+6209 - -3.132000 -0.794290 272.100 2003.6680 311.2 108.447
- BUP 224 -24.875000 0.081610 30.565 2039.1130 298.9 30.769
21054+0557 - -17.760000 -0.114310 305.500 2012.5890 299.2 30.752
14702 BU 71AC 20.794001 -0.058390 22.708 1636.8940 358.8 59.328
21103+1008 - -9.123000 -0.133100 66.300 2011.6110 358.8 59.462
14787 AGC 13AC -12.946000 -0.162880 13.808 1860.0560 211.2 73.419
21148+3803 - -4.801000 0.439180 290.400 2012.6670 211.1 73.879
- HJ 1647AC 15.471000 -0.040880 36.104 2352.6360 131.6 39.220
21290+2211 - 32.620998 0.019390 154.600 2001.6340 131.7 39.202
15176 BU 1212AB,C 3.087000 -0.222500 36.506 2003.7950 178.7 36.580
21395-0003 - 36.375000 0.018880 175.200 2000.6379 179.1 36.592
- HJ 3049 -7.398000 0.086270 25.719 1739.9510 27.1 35.649
21418+0145 - -24.632000 -0.025910 343.300 2011.9180 27.2 35.711
- HJ 1683 AC -21.469999 0.003350 21.673 1335.2080 315.4 27.329
21429+2152 - -2.960000 -0.024300 277.900 2012.6530 315.4 27.344
- HJ 1682 -0.069000 0.041370 4.310 1508.4301 77.5 21.359
21431+1338 - -4.309000 -0.000660 359.100 2007.7300 77.5 21.399
15432 STF2838AB 1.198000 0.004000 1.207 2486.5229 182.9 15.780
21546-0318 - 0.152000 -0.033030 97.300 2003.7841 182.9 15.747
15561 ES 831AE 5.546000 -0.056220 7.502 2179.3999 70.9 15.716
22016+4921 - 5.051000 0.061730 132.300 2010.5370 71.0 15.643
- I 303AB 12.095000 -0.191010 25.860 1911.8800 347.4 33.998
22187-4954 - -22.856001 -0.101080 27.900 1999.8300 347.1 34.137
15864 HJ 3106 2.232000 -0.130980 30.444 2123.5330 150.5 33.673
22217-0123 - 30.362000 0.009630 175.800 2008.8220 150.7 33.616
15972 KR 60AF -9.458000 0.802710 21.164 1938.9600 46.0 70.584
22280+5742 - -18.933001 -0.401010 333.400 2012.6830 46.2 71.438
- HDO 299AB -11.056000 0.196270 16.341 1945.6820 5.5 24.470
22310-4926 - -12.032000 -0.180350 317.400 1999.6500 5.9 24.666
16021 BU 703 -1.886000 -0.133060 17.651 1691.9091 286.2 46.578
22313+5017 - -17.549999 0.014000 353.900 2010.7700 286.1 46.702
16111 HJ 3133AB,C -5.057000 -0.091640 10.644 1627.8390 256.4 41.598
22361+7253 - -9.367000 0.049470 331.600 2000.0000 256.4 41.699
16483 HJ 1842AB 26.263000 -0.195180 47.965 1508.4410 214.7 127.303
23038+2805 - 40.136002 0.127710 146.800 2012.7190 214.7 127.519
16633 BU 1220AD 0.054000 -0.352090 4.314 1697.0690 272.9 111.680
23159-0905 - -4.313000 -0.004390 0.700 2008.8330 272.9 112.032
16665 BU 80AE 9.308000 -0.446730 46.977 1478.5560 292.3 248.517
23189+0524 - -46.044998 -0.090300 11.400 2004.6580 292.3 248.965
- GIC 192AB -13.507000 -0.432760 53.199 1973.7330 326.6 56.173
23266+4520 - -51.456001 0.113590 345.300 2008.9080 326.2 56.312
- HJ 1905AB 7.249000 0.041490 19.218 1925.4530 146.2 19.624
23412+7409 - 17.799000 -0.016900 157.800 2011.8470 146.1 19.633
Are Your Data in the Double Star Catalogs?
Most entries in the WDS and other USNO double star catalogs are extracted from papers
discovered through our literature searches. Although we include data from over 8,300
references at present, we are undoubtedly missing many others! If you wish to check
whether your papers (or those of your colleagues) have been entered, you may check the
WDS reference file at (or send
a note to wds[at] and we'll hunt for you). If you know of missing papers or
errors, please tell us (or better yet, send the data files).
If you want to be sure that your latest astrometry, photometry, or orbital/linear elements
are added more quickly, you may send us text versions of your tables (after your paper is
in press or published, of course).
Finally, if you have spectroscopic elements not yet in SB9, we're sure Dimitri Pourbaix
would love to hear from you!
William I. Hartkopf & Brian D. Mason
U.S. Naval Observatory
The deadline for contributions to Information Circular No. 184 is:
October 15th 2014
J. A. Docobo (
J. F. Ling (
Tel: +34 981592747
Fax: +34 981597054
Observatorio Astronomico "R. M. Aller"
P. O. Box 197
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ISSN: 1024-7769
ADS Name P (yr) T e W(2000) 2014 Author
RA 2000 DEC n (deg) a (") i (deg) w (deg) Last ob. 2015
896 AG 14 498.66 2465.42 0.700 265.5 312.4 0.805 RICA
01055+2107 0.7219 1.062 159.0 190.9 2012.710 311.6 0.817
999 BU 1100 171.49 1950.92 0.135 210.7 165.4 0.262 MASON &
01148+6056 2.0992 0.506 110.7 288.1 2010.8918 162.6 0.253 HARTKOPF
1126 A 939 145.64 1962.50 0.196 143.5 198.2 0.203 MASON &
01251+4537 2.4719 0.185 19.4 273.6 2010.8920 200.1 0.203 HARTKOPF
1315 HU 531AB 100.03 1956.23 0.512 161.5 352.3 0.458 MASON &
01409+4952 3.5991 0.317 127.6 332.1 2008.8608 351.4 0.458 HARTKOPF
1394 HJ 3461AB 1122.38 2394.50 0.661 145.3 21.8 5.042 MASON &
01456-2503 0.3207 9.576 106.9 264.3 2009.7070 21.6 5.051 HARTKOPF
2122 STF 305AB 531.49 1761.81 0.619 133.0 307.2 3.610 MASON &
02475+1922 0.6774 2.307 111.1 18.4 2011.9760 307.2 3.608 HARTKOPF
2202 LAB 1AaAb 4.149 2013.888 0.728 100.6 287.0 0.012 DOCOBO
02543+5246 86.768 0.055 94.5 54.1 1994.716 277.7 0.068 & CAMPO
3552 HU 1090 51.00 1943.61 0.066 69.8 272.4 0.211 MASON &
04591+6322 7.0587 0.207 147.3 12.0 2003.9600 266.8 0.215 HARTKOPF
5559 STF 982AB 1898.12 2086.47 0.000 126.9 143.1 7.299 MASON &
06546+1311 0.1897 7.666 130.9 349.9 2013.1530 143.0 7.305 HARTKOPF
6175 STF1110AB 459.8 1958.7 0.336 41.2 55.2 4.968 DOCOBO
07346+3153 0.783 6.755 114.6 250.5 2014.398 54.6 5.039 et al. (*)
7365 A 222 155.08 1963.43 0.367 191.1 7.2 0.398 HARTKOPF
09260+2839 2.321 0.320 123.5 40.3 2009.227 6.4 0.400 & MASON
- WRH 12 36.00 1960.81 0.910 199.9 13.2 0.359 HARTKOPF
12349+2238 10.000 0.192 119.1 14.7 2008.353 12.6 0.358 & MASON
8680 HU 640 124.28 1911.28 0.387 286.3 240.5 0.419 HARTKOPF
12507+2032 2.8970 0.620 54.8 46.9 2010.1801 243.8 0.422 & MASON
- I 83 173.38 1921.96 0.770 73.5 235.1 0.862 HARTKOPF
12567-4741 20.7600 0.510 43.5 333.2 2010.2729 235.5 0.862 & MASON
8778 HU 739 528.91 1945.38 0.528 172.8 200.4 1.533 HARTKOPF
13063+2044 0.6810 2.974 108.7 192.4 2010.2700 199.7 1.569 & MASON
9047 BU 614AB 830.72 1969.06 0.543 128.3 102.6 0.447 HARTKOPF
13539+1008 0.4330 0.899 125.9 333.1 2008.3280 101.8 0.446 & MASON
- COU1757 49.56 2054.37 0.334 346.2 79.0 0.131 HARTKOPF
14260+4213 7.2640 0.193 45.8 346.4 2010.4620 88.8 0.138 & MASON
- COU1760 251.7 1975.23 0.811 187.0 253.6 0.224 HARTKOPF
14593+4649 1.430 0.540 70.6 291.5 2010.462 255.2 0.225 & MASON
9545 HU 1159 166.58 1955.44 0.769 264.0 355.0 0.296 HARTKOPF
15127+6008 2.161 0.231 39.5 282.2 2008.461 355.7 0.298 & MASON
9643 A 1120 51.75 1932.36 0.755 156.3 332.1 0.275 MASON &
15273+0942 6.9566 0.161 60.9 345.3 2014.3033 332.9 0.273 HARTKOPF
9970 STF2028 105.34 1993.38 0.616 145.5 145.8 0.460 HARTKOPF
16128+3922 3.418 0.399 83.6 223.7 2009.430 146.0 0.471 & MASON
10158 A 349 135.69 1951.28 0.532 316.1 132.7 0.663 HARTKOPF
16413+3006 2.653 0.435 165.1 8.5 2010.472 131.7 0.664 & MASON
- MLR 198 51.16 1993.69 0.542 192.7 54.0 0.248 HARTKOPF
16420+7353 7.037 0.199 135.3 322.4 2009.637 51.4 0.255 & MASON
- I 600 781.42 2037.07 0.999 140.3 151.1 0.499 MASON &
17315-6026 0.4607 20.235 90.5 87.4 2008.5399 150.7 0.502 HARTKOPF
10871 A 235 38.09 2082.10 0.483 263.8 54.9 0.199 HARTKOPF
17533+2459 9.452 0.273 67.3 355.0 2009.266 60.1 0.232 & MASON
11225 HU 1291 215.89 1988.75 0.683 92.0 53.0 0.274 HARTKOPF
18163+3625 1.6680 0.332 147.4 278.0 2008.5630 51.5 0.279 & MASON
- KUI 89 82.76 1993.25 0.506 33.0 155.7 0.248 HARTKOPF
18594-1250 4.350 0.224 29.5 338.3 2009.670 158.3 0.255 & MASON
12040 STF2454AB 559.46 1700.68 0.550 145.1 289.7 1.357 MASON &
19062+3026 0.6435 1.421 65.2 292.9 2011.7010 289.9 1.361 HARTKOPF
- STA 3 216.93 1997.28 0.637 171.4 224.4 0.101 HARTKOPF
19073+3606 1.660 0.172 145.5 201.2 2008.464 221.5 0.106 & MASON
- OL 22 125.83 1971.38 0.548 209.2 52.2 0.537 HARTKOPF
19124-3304 2.861 0.392 37.7 49.6 2010.591 53.2 0.539 & MASON
12577 HU 951 153.74 1967.84 0.225 126.2 212.0 0.192 HARTKOPF
19308+6337 2.342 0.204 32.3 316.3 2008.656 214.2 0.193 & MASON
12909 BU 146 260.15 2262.78 0.886 228.4 241.8 0.716 HARTKOPF
19471-1953 1.384 1.565 70.7 262.6 2010.591 242.8 0.743 & MASON
12924 A 2993 138.36 1984.83 0.075 327.0 278.3 0.119 HARTKOPF
19474-0148 2.602 0.220 116.1 344.4 2009.266 274.3 0.114 & MASON
l3946 DA 1BC 236.52 1998.22 0.875 180.3 186.9 0.311 HARTKOPF
20312+1116 1.522 0.448 68.6 237.0 2006.564 187.4 0.322 & MASON
13987 L 35CD 117.92 1974.32 0.198 294.9 149.4 0.476 HARTKOPF
20329+1357 3.053 0.426 166.0 6.6 2009.621 147.0 0.479 & MASON
- LDS 720BC 141.39 2035.10 0.607 82.6 151.2 2.234 HARTKOPF
20452-3120 2.546 2.616 148.4 54.6 2012.580 148.8 2.181 & MASON
14270 STF2725AB 2945.18 1622.77 0.349 192.7 11.5 6.130 MASON &
20462+1554 0.1222 7.145 63.5 91.1 2013.6379 11.6 6.136 HARTKOPF
- KUI 102 58.40 1959.09 0.295 192.0 269.6 0.145 HARTKOPF
21001+0731 6.164 0.295 130.8 318.1 2006.567 254.0 0.149 & MASON
14783 H 1 48 81.64 2003.92 0.779 62.3 242.5 0.633 HARTKOPF
21137+6424 4.410 0.641 82.7 40.7 2012.765 242.8 0.669 & MASON
15398 HU 972 150.81 1963.65 0.633 189.1 261.4 0.336 HARTKOPF
21511+6650 2.387 0.321 47.3 276.1 2008.656 262.5 0.337 & MASON
15419 HU 380BC 116.61 1949.62 0.279 76.1 239.5 0.376 HARTKOPF
21538-2000 3.087 0.315 128.0 14.8 2007.599 238.2 0.372 & MASON
15454 A 1449 161.57 1978.15 0.709 17.5 231.9 0.304 HARTKOPF
21556+3849 2.228 0.241 152.8 351.1 2008.858 231.1 0.309 & MASON
16131 HO 479 338.37 1999.71 0.456 109.2 40.8 0.313 HARTKOPF
22385+0218 1.064 0.952 121.7 35.2 2009.908 36.2 0.310 & MASON
16235 A 2696BC 302.10 1919.18 0.518 172.1 78.1 0.611 HARTKOPF
22451-0240 1.192 0.481 159.0 300.5 2008.767 77.5 0.614 & MASON
16463 HU 398 152.70 1957.87 0.591 121.9 290.0 0.473 HARTKOPF
23024+1837 2.358 0.313 5.7 3.7 2010.635 290.8 0.475 & MASON
16873 FOX 102AB 140.16 2003.19 0.281 121.1 74.0 0.205 HARTKOPF
23374+0737 2.568 0.288 30.8 259.8 2008.767 78.1 0.210 & MASON
ADS Name X0 Xa rho_0 T0 2014 AUTHORS
RA 2000 DEC - Y0 Ya theta_0 Last ob. 2015
195 J 868 -1.8613 -0.01614 1.992 1887.0 230.1 6.09 RICA
00152+2722 - -0.7092 0.04236 159.1 2006.9575 230.2 6.14
5841 J 703 -0.415380 0.082381 1.794 1892.897 113.3 10.411 CVETKOVIC
07106+1543 - 1.745080 0.019609 193.39 2012.8574 113.2 10.494
- HJ 2699BC -3.817124 -0.124895 5.071 1938.067 299.4 15.271 CVETKOVIC
14031+1154 - 3.338803 -0.142787 228.82 2012.4816 299.7 15.450
- LDS1800 -0.619089 0.125026 1.487 2019.903 233.2 1.694 CVETKOVIC
14307+8308 - 1.352416 0.057232 204.60 2013.400 229.0 1.633
- WFC 153 -5.39228 0.33336 8.371 2023.398 202.9 9.404 MASON &
14378-6756 - -6.40316 -0.28093 319.90 2013.690 293.8 9.321 HARTKOPF
- POP 34AB 2.631077 -0.056820 2.832 1974.896 3.5 6.640 CVETKOVIC
19289+3515 - -1.047686 -0.142693 68.29 2012.3150 3.0 6.779
PAUL COUTEAU (1923-2014)
C'est a l'age de 10 ans que le jeune COUTEAU commence a s'intresser a l'Astronomie. Quand
son pere lui offre sa premiere lunette, une modeste 61 mm de diametre, il se met
assidument a observer le ciel et deja les etoiles doubles exercent sur lui une sorte de
fascination. Cependant sa carriere universitaire semble devoir faire de lui un
astrophysicien. Licencie en Mathematiques en 1947, et apres deux annees d'enseignement, il
entre a l'Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, ou il a comme Maitre de Recherche Evry
SCHATZMAN, specialiste des naines blanches, ce qui explique que la these de doctorat qu'il
soutient en 1956 soit consacree a la physique de ces astres. Elle a ete publiee aux
Annales d'Astrophysique: "Contribution a la theorie du spectre des naines blanches".
Mais entre temps, un poste lui est propose a l'Observatoire de Nice, avec pour mission
l'etude et la recherche des etoiles doubles visuelles. Des son arrivee en janvier 1951, il
organise l'observation de ces astres a l'equatorial de 38cm. Il a a son exclusive
disposition une de ces quatre fameuses lunettes francaises de 38cm, celle de
l'Observatoire de Nice avec laquelle il se sent le "Maitre de l'Univers".
Pendant une dizaine d'annees, Paul COUTEAU mesure les etoiles doubles. Mais petit a petit,
l'idee de faire une prospection se fait jour a la suite d'une douzaine de decouvertes
fortuites et spectaculaires, comme COU 14 trouvee le 19 novembre 1959, devenue depuis
tres celebre par la velocite du compagnon pour effectuer une revolution en moins de 26
ans, ce qui a permis de calculer l'orbite et la masse de ces deux etoiles, but premier de
ces observations. Aujourd'hui, Paul COUTEAU voit le compagnon terminer sa deuxieme
revolution autour de la principale.
Mais pour decouvrir des etoiles plus serrees, qui tournent plus vite, et calculer des
masses plus rapidement, il faut beneficier d'instruments plus puissants, de plus grand
diametre. L'envie de lunettes plus puissantes devient une obsession. Celle de 76cm de
Nice, a deux pas du 38cm semble l'attendre, elle est laissee a l'abandon depuis 1926.
A la suite d'un sejour a l'Observatoire de Paris il obtient un objectif de 52cm pour
remplacer le 38cm, et en janvier 1967 il est essaye sur le ciel. C'est egalement a cette
epoque qu'il fait restaurer le grand equatorial de 76cm. Dote de ces instruments perfor-
mants, Paul COUTEAU divise ses nuits en deux parties: d'abord la recherche de couples
nouveaux a la lunette de 52cm tres maniable (120 pointes a l'heure), puis avec la grande
lunette de 76cm, l'observation de binaires en phase cruciale, tres serrees, dont l'orbite
semble se dessiner.
Il fait une moisson d'etoiles doubles digne des chercheurs Americains du debut du
XXe siecle. Il est souvent invite par des astronomes etrangers. Il effectue de nombreuses
missions aux lunettes de Lick et de Yerkes (91cm et 102cm de diametre) et au telescope
du McDonald (91cm) aux etats-Unis, au telescope de 152cm de Calar Alto en Espagne, et
tres souvent au telescope Bernard Lyot de 200 cm du Pic du Midi de Bigorre en France,
ou il est un des rares astronomes a mettre l'oeil a l'oculaire, pour observer "ses cheres
binaires" jusqu'au pouvoir separateur de cet instrument.
Paul COUTEAU a visite 180 000 etoiles environ, effectue pres de 28 000 mesures et
decouvert plus de 2 700 couples pour la plupart tres serres et qui, deja, fournissent un
nombre important d'orbites et de masses, but essentiel de l'observation des etoiles
doubles. Plus de 80 orbites ont ete calculees, plus de la moitie ont fait l'objet de
publications dans les revues specialisees internationales. La prospection des zones
celestes choisies, de la declinaison +17deg a +52deg, est complete a 96% et s'est arretee
en 1992. Toutes les observations, y compris le reperage et les identifications multiples
de tous les couples COU sont conservees soigneusement au Centre des etoiles Doubles de
A ce travail gigantesque, minutieux et fatigant, exigeant une acuite visuelle et une
habilite peu communes, d'autant plus que tous ces couples doivent etre mesures et
remesures a maintes reprises, il faut ajouter le calcul de dizaines d'orbites, nombre
d'etudes theoriques, la constitution d'un fichier, commence en 1956, qui rassemble 25 000
binaires avec toutes les mesures constamment mises a jour. Aujourd'hui ce fichier, appele
SIDONIE (Systeme Informatique des DOubles de NIcE) est informatise et disponible par
internet (http//
Paul Rene Gilles COUTEAU est ne le lundi 31 decembre 1923 a La Roche sur Yon en Vendee,
France. Il nous a quitte le jeudi 28 aout 2014 a 11h20 TL a l'hopital prive
geriatrique Les Sources a Nice, France Il a ete inhume le lundi 1er septembre 2014 a
Chantonnay (F-85110) en Vendee, dans le caveau familial.
De nombreux amis et eleves reconnaissants lui gardent le souvenir respectueux et
Nice le 15 septembre 2014
Jean-Claude THOREL
We received notice of the passing of our colleague and friend, Paul Couteau, with
profound sadness. He was a benefactor of our Observatory and facilitated our observation
campaigns in both Nice and Pic du Midi (1986-1999).
Moreover, Dr. Couteau was especially supportive of our research team. Proof of that
was the hospitality that he demonstrated to Dr. Ling during her research visit in Nice in
1986, his assistance with the construction of our thread micrometer, his participation in
our first observation run in Calar Alto, and by serving as a member of the dissertation
committee of J. F. Ling, among other things. He had complete confidence in Professor
Docobo to whom he assigned the responsibility of editing the Information Circular of our
Commission 26 in 1993.
This distinguished figure of Astronomy was an excellent observer who discovered more
than 2,700 binaries and was the creator of the European Center of Double Stars at the
Nice Observatory, among many other outstanding professional activities. May he rest in
J.A. Docobo & J.F. Ling
R.M. Aller Observatory
JEAN C.A. DOMMANGET (1924-2014)
The Royal Observatory of Belgium regrets to announce that Dr. Jean Dommanget, honorary
Head of the Department of Astrometry and Celestial Mechanics, died on October 1st, 2014,
at the age of 90 years.
Jean Dommanget was born in Brussels (Ixelles) on June 13th, 1924. He started to work at
the Royal Observatory of Belgium as a temporary aid in the Section of Double Stars headed
by Dr. Sylvain Arend in 1947. While already employed, he studied further and obtained a
university degree in Mathematical Sciences (1950), and a Ph.D. degree (1961). Since 1961,
he was a member of the I.A.U. Commission 26 "Double Stars". Author of many different
publications during his long career at the Royal Observatory, Jean Dommanget worked in
various fields including the astrometry and dynamics of visual double stars, stellar
occultations and the lunar profile, studies on the atmospheric turbulence, asteroids,
solar and lunar eclipses, mathematical tools, orbital properties and stellar evolution of
binary stars.
He also contributed to some important steps in the development of modern European
astronomy. In 1955-57, he conducted a 1.5-yr prospection mission in South-Africa in order
to help find a suitable site for the construction of a new European observatory (European
Southern Observatory - E.S.O.). He later returned to take on the position of Director a.i.
of the Boyden Observatory in Bloemfontein, South Africa. From 1967 till 1973, he was
successively Vice-President and President of Commission 26. In 1981, he joined the Input
Catalogue Consortium (INCA) of the European Space Agency's astrometric mission, Hipparcos,
under the leadership of Dr. C. Turon where he headed the sub-group "Double Stars" of the
Executive Committee. At the request of Dr. M. Perryman, leading scientist of the Hipparcos
mission, he joined the Double Star Working Group in 1993.
In particular, with the expert help of his assistant, Mr. O. Nys, he developed a new
double star catalogue known as the "Catalogue des Composantes d'etoiles Doubles et
Multiples" (C.C.D.M.) with one entry per component adapted to the needs of the Hipparcos
Input Catalogue (HIC). The compilation of the C.C.D.M., based on the Index Catalogue of
Double Stars (epoch 1976.5), took many years, and a 1st edition was published in 1994. He
furthermore contributed to the publication of the Hipparcos Catalogue, Annex 1 - Double
and Multiple Stars (ESA 1997, Vol. 6). Among his main achievements, his continuous efforts
regarding the inventory of the visual double stars for the Hipparcos space mission will no
doubt be remembered for many years to come. Primarily, he will be remembered as an expert
in the field of classical double-star astronomy.
Patricia Lampens
Oct. 15th, 2014
The deadline for contributions to Information Circular No. 185 is:
February 15th 2015
J. A. Docobo (
J. F. Ling (
Tel: +34 981592747
Fax: +34 981597054
Observatorio Astronomico "R. M. Aller"
P. O. Box 197
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
ISSN: 1024-7769