This catalog continues the series of compilations of visual binary star orbits previously
published by Finsen (1934, 1938), Worley (1963), Finsen & Worley (1970), Worley & Heintz
(1983), and most recently by Hartkopf, Mason, & Worley (2001) in their Fifth Catalog of
Orbits of Visual Binary Stars. That catalog, containing orbits published through 1
January 2001, was one of four double star catalogs maintained at the USNO that were
written to CD-ROM in 2001 and distributed. The 30 June 2006 edition of the Sixth Catalog
was included on the second USNO Double Star CD-ROM, which is available upon request.
The Fifth Catalog was removed from the web in August 2007, as it had long been
supplanted by the Sixth Catalog.
As of the above date, the Sixth Catalog included