Welcome! I am a Professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at GSU. Here you can find my bio information, publication highlights, but also a list of interests outside of astronomy (yes I have some!).


Our group is working on new algorithms and instruments to produce very high resolution astronomical images and movies. Find out here who is doing what, from speckle imaging to CHARA.

Our group

High angular resolution techniques (e.g. optical interferometry, speckle imaging) provides us with unique insights about stellar environments. Our work is focused on developping new ways of extracting knowledge from data (Bayesian inverse problems). Our group is part of the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy.

Research Interests

Our group has been developping open source software for optical interferometry, light curve inversion, Doppler imaging and reverberation mapping.


I currently teach two online introductory courses for undergraduates (ASTR 1010/1020) that we developped with colleagues at Perimeter college. I also teach two graduates courses (ASTR 8150 Numerical Methods for Astronomy and ASTR 8800 High Angular Resolution Imaging).


Atlanta is in dire need of science outreach. I am the Director of the Hard Labor Creek Observatory, which open to the public monthly. I am also working on developping Virtual Reality environments for the public to discover astronomy.
