About me

My name is Sebastián. I grew up in Culiacán, Sin., México, where I also earned my Bachelor degree in Astronomy from Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. I am an Astronomy PhD student at Georgia State University working with Prof. Todd Henry as part of the RECONS team.
Previous from entering a PhD program, I worked three years with Prof. Yilen Gómez-Maqueo Chew at Instituto de Astronomía, UNAM, and the SAINT-EX Observatory.
Outside of academia, I enjoy cooking, digital art/graphic design and listening club music from different scenes around the world.
If you would like to read more about me, please click here for my CV.


My research focuses in characterizing K-Dwarf stars to uncover fundamental parameters, the frecuency on stellar activity, and how it varies with spectral type and age, by surving the ones existing in the Solar Neighborhood. This will help for future studies of the habitability of exoplanets around these stars. Click HERE to see my poster to Cool Stars 22 @ San Diego.

CHIRON support

I'm a fellow at the CHIRON spectrograph mounted at the SMARTS 1.5 meters telescope in CTIO, Chile. If you want to use CHIRON or want to know more about it, you can contact me or access the FAQ manual.

Get in touch

Email: jcarrazcogaxiola1[at].gsu.edu

If you have any question would like to get in touch, feel free to contact me!
E-mail me clicking here.