
Hi, This is Nabanita Das (pronounced as: Naw-bo-nee-tha Dha-sh). I am a third year graduate student at Georgia State University. I did my Bachelors' and Masters' degree in physics from Presidency University, Kolkata in India. Currently, I work under the advisement of Prof. Misty Bentz. My current research is mass measurements of supermassive black holes in nearby active galaxies.

Apart from astronomy, I spend a lot of my time in cooking and photography. I love to explore new cuisines and try to come up with fusion and quick recipes (read, make a mess in my kitchen). I am a huge summer person and love to take walks when it's bright outside. Below is a photo of Atlanta on a beautiful summer afternoon.


My current research involves creating dynamical models of stars in the nucleus of a nearby Seyfert galaxies, in order to finally estimate a mass of the central supermassive black hole. I am using K-band spatially resolved spectra from SINFONI on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) to extract the stellar kinematics. I create dynamical models using FORSTAND, which is an open-source code and a part of the AGAMA library. You can find more details on my research in this iPoster.


I have been teaching introductory astronomy labs, both sections (1. Astronomy of Solar System and 2. Stellar and Galactic Astronomy) at Georgia State University since 2022. Please find the all the GSU intro astronomy labs here.


1 Park Place
Atlanta, GA 30303



Outreach has been an integral part of my duties since my undergraduate program. I have co-organized and co-hosted several symposiums, and seminars in my college.

From 2023, I have been serving as the co-President of GSU's Women and Gender Minorities in Physics. I host annual panels focusing on career development of undergraduate women and underrepresented gender groups. I served as a panelist on the REU professional development panel organized by the department of Physics and astronomy, GSU.



This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.

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Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.


i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
