Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System (mass 318 x Earth's;
diameter 11 x Earth's).
The surface is covered with a thick atmosphere of H, He,
CH4, NH3, and some H2O.
There is a probably a rocky core deep in the interior of the planet
that is surrounded by high pressure H (in a liquid-metallic state).
The temperature increases with depth, and so organic molecules
can only exist in the upper layers.
The bright colors of Jupiter's clouds suggest that organic molecules
are present (such as CO, HCN, C2H2,
C2H6). The chemical environment is
probably similar to that of Earth's early atmosphere.
Life could exist in the clouds of Jupiter, but it would be difficult to
sustain because of the low gas densities and the circulation currents
(which take molecules to deeper levels where organic molecules break up).