July including Amy's party
Featuring Claudine's bum, they are really tending Sallie's worm farm.
Sallie relaxes on her new chair with the new TiVo remote.
Amy's graduation party featured Martin on guitar.
It also featured Theo on guitar.
There was a lot of guitar playing. This one went on a bit though.
Some people were a bit timid about the guitar thing.
Others tried to listen patiently, like Robert and Rebbecca here.
More guitar I'm afraid.
At least Amy and Claudine are happy about all the guitar.
Tim and Gautam are happier than they look.
We hadn't seen Mike in a while. He played guitar.
More construction. Here's Theo sewing the new shade for the gazebo.
Here he is assembling the new shade.
The finished product. Nice isn't it?
This is dull, but it does represent the last place we had carpet in the house.
The newly install AC unit gets a coat of paint.
Amy and Martin have decided to play the fiddle like a guitar.
Lesson learned: Cell phones do not work if you go surfing with them in your pocket.
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