Second week in Grasse 2010 09 10

  • Roman Wells.
  • Local village. The yellow arrow dates it though.
  • Jean-Michel and Sallie take a stroll.
  • Rock road art.
  • I liked the juxtaposition of antenna and medieval house.
  • A lot of pointing damage on the map.
  • OK, OK. The Romans were here. I get it.
  • Random flower moment.
  • A Shop custom made for Sallie.
  • End of jurisdiction.
  • J-M takes us to the bottom of the gorge.
  • Latter, Christian shows off his AC/DC props.
  • Pig head. Mmmmmm.
  • More duck! Must have more duck!
  • Clothing we liked.
  • Mmmmm lamb casserole and raw beef.
  • A woman happy with her meal.
  • You know you are in France when.....
  • The view from the car park.
  • Sallie makes it to the top of the hill.
  • The little rock on the top was ours.
  • Our mighty Stead. A Chevy!
  • The Gorge Verdon. Yes, the river was green.
  • Nice view, but a little disturbing for the vertigo inclined.
  • New top, New necklace. How bad can it be?
  • Long way down.
  • Back to album index