PROCEDURE for making data available on the FTP server: 1. Go to the SMARTS ftp disk, located at: /ftp/pub/SMARTS 2. Create a folder named for the PI's last name. You can do this via something like FileZilla, BUT it's better over terminal/Linux because then YOUR account (not smarts acccount) will have read/write access. You cannot copy files to this folder without permissions. 3. Copy the files to share to this folder. For example: cp -r /nfs/recons2/incoming.0.9m/n01.processed /ftp/pub/SMARTS/battles/. 4. Verify that everything copied correctly! Make sure there are no unnecessary sub-folders! 5. Write to the PI to tell them how to get the data from the ftp server. The ftp access info is in the file 'procedure.ftpaccess' located in folder 'USEFULSCRIPTS' in EHV's main folder (NOT 'public_html'). NOTES: -- The built-in FTP on Windows probably does not work for accessing GSU because of our port requirement. See this StackOverflow comment: Windows users will need to use a third-party program for FTP. -- You can access FTP through a web browser with this URL: (change username and portnumber to the appropriate values)