STARTING A SYSTEM FRESH (no previous reduction) (2021.0305 EHV) Note: these instructions do not include making the starname.phot file. You can still complete a reduction without that file --- the only difference will be that the parallax will be 'relative' not 'final'. 1. In the starname directory, create the first pi reduction directory: mkdir pi.2021.0305 This step replaces the 'folder.processor' step! 2. If there is a starname.phot file, copy that into the pi reduction directory you made. Next, we need to gather the info that star.processor will ask for... 3. Locate the full star name (check the observing list). Bonus: also choose the 7-character short name now (you will have to do this later anyway, in step 6). 4. Get the 2MASS coordinates and epoch. Suggested method: 4a. Use the observing list coordinates to find the target's SIMBAD webpage. Copy the ultra-precise coordinates given there. 4b. Open the 2MASS catalog in Vizier. Shortcut: this is linked next to the K mag in SIMBAD ("2003..."). 4c. In the 2MASS constraints list, make sure these columns are selected: RAJ2000, DEJ2000, and JD (julian date of source measurement) (select these with the check box, not the circular radio button) 4d. In the purple Preferences box on the left, make sure these boxes are checked: Distance rho, Sort by Distance 4e. Input the ultra-precise coordinates in the Target Position box at the top, and submit. 4f. In the results, the first item SHOULD be your target. The "r arcmin" column should show some small distance <0.02 (arcmin). The values you will need from this page are: RAJ2000 (deg), DEJ2000 (deg), JD (d), and at the VERY end of the reduction you'll need Kmag (mag). NOTE: if you are doing a resolved binary (can clearly see two sources), you must be extra careful at step 4. Choose the values corresponding to the 'A' component, but maybe also double-check with someone like Wei-Chun. 5. Get the proper motion and position angle from the observing list. These values are located right after the coordinates in each line, for ex.: 21 11 14 -22 48 16 0.348 185.4 ?? 19-10 LP873-009 ^The proper motion for this target is 0.348 ("/yr) and position angle 185.4 deg. 6. Go into the parallax reduction directory you made, and run star.processor. Enter carefully all the info you gathered above as it asks for it. For the proper motion and position angle, enter these in the format they appear in the observing list (in the example above, you enter: 0.348 185.4). 7., etc. Proceed as usual according to the Astrometry reduction manual/cookbook. 8. BONUS: Run setfield in IRAF to make the real setup page. You MUST be logged on to whiting to do this! 8a. Before you start, you will need: - the name of a GOOD frame for tagging - the reference stars and their tagging order (must match phot file) - be ready for ds9 to shut down and restart (save your work now if needed) 8b. From within the pi reduction directory (e.g., pi.2019.0421), in IRAF run setfield 8c. Before you answer any of the prompts, WAIT until ds9 has fully re-launched. Setfield will crash if you enter the frame name before ds9 is up. 8d. Follow all the prompts. Do not stress. When it asks for positions it will give you a chance to check the results and change your answers, so do not worry about perfection. If you want to start over, bring the IRAF window into focus and ctrl-c.