About Me

An image of star: circle of red and orange with white spots


I apply high resolution methods, particularly imaging, to study objects in space. At the moment, the objects I study are evolved stars, such as red supergiants, interacting binaries, and near-Earth objects. The primary method I use is optical interferometry.

For imaging with optical interferometry, one must develop and apply inverse methods to deal with the fact that there are limited data availalbe for imaging. So, part of my research involves working on new techniques for imaging under these conditions.

I generally use the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array. But, I am part of a team at New Mexico Tech that is building a new optical interferometer, the Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer (MROI), which will be optimized for high sensitivity observations of objects too faint for existing facilitys.

My role in the project is developing imaging techniques, making models of imaging capabilities, and writing data reduction pipelines for the first instruments. I'm also part of the team developing science cases for the facility. Thus, my astrophysical interests are expanding beyond stars to more distant objecsts like active galactic nuclei.

A peacan pie


Baking: I find baking to be both challenging and relaxing. My favorite items to bake are pies, cookies, and breads. I particularly enjoy sharing the fruits of my labor with others!

A band performing on a stage with bright lights in a dark room full of a large crowd.

Live Music: My wife and I love going to concerts for a vareity of genres. In particular, we attend classical, opera, post-punk, dark synth, gothic rock, and folk concerts as much as we can.

Fragrances: Ever since I wrote a paper on fragrance science in high school, I've been fastinacted by the science of smell and enjoyed sampling new fragrances while learning the principals behind fragrance design. My favorite scent families are woods and incenses. I find aquatics rather dull.

A vista of green, tree covered hills, with a blue sky and some clouds overhead.

Hiking: One of the great benefits of living in New Mexico is proximity to a wide variety of hiking opportunites. My wife and I are eagerly exploring new trails thoughout the state and the surrounding locales.