Publications of CTIO 1.5m CHIRON since 2017

(last updated: MAR-11-2025)

Refereed Publications


Spejcher, et al, 2025, AJ, An Investigation into the Variability of Luminous Blue Variable Stars with TESS, 2025AJ....169..128S, CAT: PUB, PI: Richardson, WHO: NOIRlab

Couperus, et al, 2025, AJ, The Solar Neighborhood. LII. M Dwarf Twin Binaries—Presumed Identical Twins Appear Fraternal in Variability, Rotation, Hα, and X-Rays, 2025AJ....169...41C, CAT: PUB, PI: Henry, WHO: SMARTS


Armeni, et al, 2024, A&A, Evidence for magnetic boundary layer accretion in RU Lup: A spectrophotometric analysis, 2024A%26A...690A.225A, CAT: PUB, PI: Walter, WHO: NOIRlab

Raj, et al, 2024, PASA, The dusty aftermath of a rapid nova: V5579 Sgr, 2024PASA...41...51R, CAT: PUB, PI: Walter, WHO: NOIRlab

Moharana et al, 2024,A&A, Spectroscopy of Eclipsing Compact Hierarchical Triples I, 2024A%26A...690A.153M, CAT: PUB, PI: Helminiak, WHO: SMARTS

Wendeborn et al, 2024, ApJ, A Multiwavelength, Multiepoch Monitoring Campaign of Accretion Variability in T Tauri Stars from the ODYSSEUS Survey. III. Optical Spectra, 2024ApJ...972..100W, CAT: PUB, PI: Pittman, WHO: SMARTS

Schulte et al, 2024, AJ, Migration and Evolution of giant ExoPlanets (MEEP). I. Nine Newly Confirmed Hot Jupiters from the TESS Mission, 2024AJ....168...32S, CAT: PUB, PI: Rodriguez, WHO: NASA

Damineli et al, 2024, ApJ, Long-term Evolution in Ionization of Ejecta Illuminated by Eta Carinae, 2024ApJ...963..114D, CAT: PUB, PI: Richardson, WHO: NOIRlab

Makarov & Tokovinin, 2024, AJ, Verification of Astrometrically Accelerating Stars from Hipparcos and Gaia. I. Methodology and Application to HIP 44842, 2024AJ....168...18M, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab

Ment et al, 2024, AJ, LHS 475 b: A Potential Venus Analog Orbiting a Nearby M Dwarf, 2024AJ....167..197M, CAT: PUB, PI: Winters, WHO: SMARTS

Kumar et al, 2024A&A, Discovery of a hot post-AGB star in Galactic globular cluster E3, 2024A%26A...685L...6K, CAT: PUB, PI: Helminiak, WHO: SMARTS

Capistrant et al, 2024, , TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). XI. An Earth-sized Planet Orbiting a Nearby, Solar-like Host in the 400 Myr Ursa Major Moving Group, 2024AJ....167...54C, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Fairnington et al, 2024, MNRAS, TOI-5126: a hot super-Neptune and warm Neptune pair discovered by TESS and CHEOPS, 2024MNRAS.527.8768F, CAT: PUB, PI: Zhou, WHO: NASA

Barclay et al, 2024, MNRAS, Using CHIRON spectroscopy to test the hypothesis of a precessing orbit for the WN4 star EZ CMa, 2024MNRAS.527.2198B, CAT: PUB, PI: Richarson, WHO: SMARTS

Lowson et al, 2024, MNRAS, Two mini-Neptunes transiting the adolescent K-star HIP 113103 confirmed with TESS and CHEOPS, 2024MNRAS.527.1146L, CAT: PUB, PI: Zhou, WHO: NASA

Moharana et al, 2024MNRAS, Solaris photometric survey: Search for circumbinary companions using eclipse timing variations, 2024MNRAS.527...53M, CAT: PUB, PI: Helminiak, WHO: SMARTS


Schmidt et al, 2023, AJ, Verification of Gaia Data Release 3 Single-lined Spectroscopic Binary Solutions With Three Transiting Low-mass Secondaries, 2023AJ....166..225S, CAT: PUB, PI: Rodriguez, WHO: NASA

Espaillat, et al, 2023, ApJ, JWST Detects Neon Line Variability in a Protoplanetary Disk , 2023ApJ...958L...4E, CAT: PUB, PI: Walter, WHO: SMARTS

Tristan, et al, 2023, ApJ, A 7 Day Multiwavelength Flare Campaign on AU Mic. I. High-time-resolution Light Curves and the Thermal Empirical Neupert Effect , 2023ApJ...951...33T, CAT: PUB, PI: Kowalski, WHO: SMARTS

Pavao et al, 2023 ApJ, Optical Properties and Variability of the Be X-Ray Binary CPD-29 2176 , 2023ApJ...959..131P, CAT: PUB, PI: Richarson, WHO: SMARTS

Hobson, et al, 2023, AJ, TOI-199 b: A Well-characterized 100 day Transiting Warm Giant Planet with TTVs Seen from Antarctica , 2023AJ....166..201H, CAT: PUB, PI: Carleo, WHO: NASA

Herczeg, et al, 2023, ApJ, Twenty-five Years of Accretion onto the Classical T Tauri Star TW Hya , 2023ApJ...956..102H, CAT: PUB, PI: Walter, WHO: SMARTS

Damineli et al, 2023, ApJ, The Long-term Spectral Changes of Eta Carinae: Are they Caused by a Dissipating Occulter as Indicated by CMFGEN Models? , 2023ApJ...954...65D, CAT: PUB, PI: Richardson, WHO: SMARTS

Jao et al, 2023, AJ, Mind the Gap. I. Hα Activity of M Dwarfs Near the Partially/Fully Convective Boundary and a New Hα Emission Deficiency Zone on the Main Sequence, 2023AJ....166...63J, CAT: PUB, PI: Jao, WHO: SMARTS

Psaridi, et al, 2023, AA, Three Saturn-mass planets transiting F-type stars revealed with TESS and HARPS. TOI-615b, TOI-622b, and TOI-2641b, 2023A%26A...675A..39P, CAT: PUB, PI: Yee, WHO: NASA

Hua, et al, 2023, AJ, A Transiting Super-Earth in the Radius Valley and an Outer Planet Candidate Around HD 307842, 2023AJ....166...32H/, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Pass et al, 2023, AJ, Active Stars in the Spectroscopic Survey of Mid-to-late M Dwarfs within 15 pc, 2023AJ....166...16P, CAT: PUB, PI: Winters, WHO: SMARTS

Pass et al, 2023, AJ, Mid-to-late M Dwarfs Lack Jupiter Analogs, 2023AJ....166...11P, CAT: PUB, PI: Winters, WHO: SMARTS

Wang et al, 2023, AJ, The Orbital and Physical Properties of Five Southern Be+sdO Binary Systems, 2023AJ....165..203W, CAT: PUB, PI: Wang, WHO:NOIRLab

Oddo, et al, 2023, AJ, Characterization of a Set of Small Planets with TESS and CHEOPS and an Analysis of Photometric Performance, 2023AJ....165..134O, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Tey, et al, 2023, AJ, TESS Discovery of Twin Planets near 2:1 Resonance around Early M Dwarf TOI 4342, 2023AJ....165...93T, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn+Zhou, WHO: NASA

Strawn et al, 2023, MNRAS, The orbital kinematics of η Carinae over three periastra with a possible detection of the elusive secondary's motion, 2023MNRAS.519.5882S, CAT: PUB, PI: Richardson, WHO:NOIRlab+SMARTS

Wood et al, 2023, AJ, TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). IX. A 27 Myr Extended Population of Lower Centaurus Crux with a Transiting Two-planet System, 2023AJ....165...85W, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Clark, et al, 2023, AJ, Spinning up a Daze: TESS Uncovers a Hot Jupiter Orbiting the Rapid Rotator TOI-778, 2023AJ....165..207C, CAT: PUB, PI: Davis, WHO: NOIRLab

Yee et al, 2023, ApJS, The TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey. II. Twenty New Giant Planets, 2023ApJS..265....1Y, CAT: PUB, PI: Yee, WHO: NASA

Richardson et al, 2023, Nature, A high-mass X-ray binary descended from an ultra-stripped supernova , 2023Natur.614...45R, CAT: PUB, PI: Richardson, WHO: NOIRLab+SMARTS


Pujol et al, 2022, A&A, Taking a break: Paused accretion in the symbiotic binary RT Cru, 2023A%26A...670A..32P, CAT: PUB, PI: Walter, WHO: NOIRlab

Lester et al, 2022, AJ, Visual Orbits of Spectroscopic Binaries with the CHARA Array. IV. HD 61859, HD 89822, HD 109510, and HD 191692, 2022AJ....164..228L, CAT: PUB, PI: Gies, WHO: SMARTS

Hubbard-James et al, 2022, AJ, The Solar Neighborhood L: Spectroscopic Discovery of K Dwarfs Younger Than 1 Gyr and New Binaries within 30 pc, 2022AJ....164..174H, CAT: PUB, PI: Henry, WHO: SMARTS

Smith et al, 2022, ApJ, Pulse Timing Discovery of a Three-day Companion to the Hot Subdwarf BPM 36430, 2022ApJ...939...57S, CAT: PUB, PI: Barlow, WHO: SMARTS

Broz et al, 2022, A&A, Towards a consistent model of the hot quadruple system HD 93206 = QZ Carinæ. II. N-body model, 2022A%26A...666A..24B, CAT: PUB, PI: Barlow, WHO: SMARTS

Mayer et al, 2022, A&A, Towards a consistent model of the hot quadruple system HD 93206 = QZ Carinæ. I. Observations and their initial analyses, 2022A%26A...666A..23M, CAT: PUB, PI: Barlow, WHO: SMARTS

Harmanec et al, 2022, A&A, V1294 Aql = HD 184279: A bad boy among Be stars or an important clue to the Be phenomenon? , 2022A%26A...666A.136H, CAT: PUB, PI: Barlow, WHO: SMARTS

Merc et al, 2022, MNRS, Hen 3-860: new southern eclipsing symbiotic star observed in the outburst, 2022MNRAS.510.1404M, CAT: PUB, PI: Barlow, WHO: SMARTS

Yee et al, 2022, ApJS, The TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey. II. Twenty New Giant Planets, 2022arXiv221015473Y, CAT: PUB, PI: Yee, WHO: NASA

Pickett et al, 2022,AJ, Changes in the Na D1 Absorption Components of η Carinae Provide Clues on the Location of the Dissipating Central Occulter, 2022ApJ...937...85P, CAT: PUB, PI: Richardson, WHO: NOIRLab+SMARTS

Aydi et al, 2022, ApJ, The 2019 Outburst of the 2005 Classical Nova V1047 Cen: A Record Breaking Dwarf Nova Outburst or a New Phenomenon?, 2022ApJ...939....6A, CAT: PUB, PI: Walter, WHO: SMARTS

Pass et al, 2022, ApJ, Constraints on the Spindown of Fully Convective M Dwarfs Using Wide Field Binaries, 2022ApJ...936..109P, CAT: PUB, PI: Winters, WHO: SMARTS

Medina et al, 2022, ApJ, Galactic Kinematics and Observed Flare Rates of a Volume-complete Sample of Mid-to-late M Dwarfs: Constraints on the History of the Stellar Radiation Environment of Planets Orbiting Low-mass Stars, 2022ApJ...935..104M, CAT: PUB, PI: Winters, WHO: SMARTS

Yee et al, 2022, AJ, The TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey. I. Ten TESS Planets, 2022AJ....164...70Y, CAT: PUB, PI: Yee, WHO: NASA

Tokovinin, 2022, AJ, The Family of V1311 Ori: a Young Sextuple System or a Minicluster?, 2022AJ....163..127T, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab

Tokovinin, 2022, AJ, Spectroscopic Orbits of Subsystems in Multiple Stars. VIII., 2022AJ....163..161T, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab

Nisak et al, 2022, AJ, Mapping out the Stellar Populations of IC 2602 and IC 2391, 2022AJ....163..278N, CAT: PUB, PI: White, WHO: SMARTS

Christian et al, 2022, AJ, A Possible Alignment Between the Orbits of Planetary Systems and their Visual Binary Companions, 2022AJ....163..207C, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Yep & White, 2022, MNRAS, Collision of two stellar associations in the nearby Gum Nebula, 2022MNRAS.511.4500Y, CAT: PUB, PI: White, WHO: SMARTS

Wysocki et al, 2022, AJ, Mass Transfer as an Explanation for the Lifetime Travel Time Discrepancy in IT Librae, 2022AJ....163..177W, CAT: PUB, PI: Gies, WHO: SMARTS

Espaillat et al, 2022, AJ, The ODYSSEUS Survey. Motivation and First Results: Accretion, Ejection, and Disk Irradiation of CVSO 109 , 2022AJ....163..114E, CAT: PUB, PI: Walter, WHO: SMARTS

Gaicalone et al, 2022, AJ, Validation of 13 Hot and Potentially Terrestrial TESS Planets, 2022AJ....163...99G, CAT: PUB, PI: Dressing, WHO: NASA


Cale et al, 2021, AJ, Diving Beneath the Sea of Stellar Activity: Chromatic Radial Velocities of the Young AU Mic Planetary System, 2021AJ....162..295C, CAT: PUB, PI: Plavchan, WHO: NASA

Helminiak et al, 2021, MNRAS, Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the ASAS catalogue - XII. A sample of systems with K2 photometry, 2021MNRAS.508.5687H, CAT: PUB, PI: Helminiak, WHO: SMARTS

Manick et al, 2021, MNRAS, The binary central star of the bipolar pre-planetary nebula IRAS 08005-2356 (V510 Pup) , 2021MNRAS.508.2226M, CAT: PUB, PI: Barlow, WHO: SMARTS

Bouma et al, 2021, AJ, Rotation and Lithium Confirmation of a 500 pc Halo for the Open Cluster NGC 2516, 2021AJ....162..197B, CAT: PUB, PI: Bouma, WHO: NASA

Paredes et al, 2021, AJ, The Solar Neighborhood XLVIII: Nine Giant Planets Orbiting Nearby K Dwarfs, and the CHIRON Spectrograph's Radial Velocity Performance, 2021AJ....162..176P, CAT: PUB, PI: Henry, WHO: SMARTS

Grieves et al, 2021, AA, Populating the brown dwarf and stellar boundary: Five stars with transiting companions near the hydrogen-burning mass limit, 2021A%26A...652A.127G, CAT: PUB, PI: Shporer, WHO: NASA

Heitzmann et al, 2021, ApJ,The Obliquity of HIP 67522 b: A 17 Myr Old Transiting Hot, Jupiter-sized Planet, 2021ApJ...922L...1H, CAT: PUB, PI: Zhou, WHO: NASA

Dong et al, 2021, ApJL, TOI-3362b: A Proto-Hot Jupiter Undergoing High-Eccentricity Tidal Migration, 2021ApJ...920L..16D, CAT: PUB, PI: Dong, WHO: NASA

Espaillat et al, 2021, Nature, Measuring the Density Structure of an Accretion Hot Spot, 2021arXiv210900510E, CAT: PUB, PI: Robinson, WHO: NOIRLab

Rodriguez et al 2021, AJ, TESS Delivers Five New Hot Giant Planets Orbiting Bright Stars from the Full-frame Images, 2021AJ....161..194R, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Tofflemire et al, 2021, AJ, TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). V. A Sub-Neptune Transiting a Young Star in a Newly Discovered 250 Myr Association, 2021AJ....161..171T CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Powell et al, 2021, AJ, TIC 168789840: A Sextuply Eclipsing Sextuple Star System, 2021AJ....161..162P, CAT: PUB, PI: Henry, WHO: SMARTS

Sha, et al, 2021, AJ, TOI-954 b and K2-329 b: Short-period Saturn-mass Planets that Test whether Irradiation Leads to Inflation, 2021AJ....161...82S, $ CAT: PUB, PI: Shporer, WHO: NASA

Ment et al, 2021, AJ, TOI 540 b: A Planet Smaller than Earth Orbiting a Nearby Rapidly Rotating Low-mass Star, 2021AJ....161...23M, CAT: PUB, PI: Winters, WHO: SMARTS

Zhou et al, 2021, AJ, Two Young Planetary Systems around Field Stars with Ages between 20 and 320 Myr from TESS, 2021AJ....161....2Z, CAT: PUB, PI: Zhou, WHO: NASA

Daylan et al, 2021, AJ, TESS Discovery of a Super-Earth and Three Sub-Neptunes Hosted by the Bright, Sun-like Star HD 108236 , 2021AJ....161...85D, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Carmichael et al, 2021, AJ, TOI-811b and TOI-852b: New Transiting Brown Dwarfs with Similar Masses and Very Different Radii and Ages from the TESS Mission, 2021AJ....161...97C, CAT: PUB, PI: Zhou & Quinn, WHO: NASA

Ratajczak et al, 2021, MNRAS, Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the ASAS catalogue - XI. CHIRON investigation of long-period binaries, 2021MNRAS.500.4972R, CAT: PUB, PI: Helminiak, WHO: SMARTS


Bouma et al, 2020, AJ, Cluster Difference Imaging Photometric Survey. II. TOI 837: A Young Validated Planet in IC 2602, 2020AJ....160..239B, CAT: PUB, PI: Bouma, WHO: NASA

Brahm et al, 2020, AJ, TOI-481 b and TOI-892 b: Two Long-period Hot Jupiters from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, 2020AJ....160..235B, CAT: PUB, PI: Brahm, WHO: Chile

Burt et al, 2020, AJ, TOI-824 b: A New Planet on the Lower Edge of the Hot Neptune Desert, 2020AJ....160..153B, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Mireles et al, 2020, AJ, TOI 694b and TIC 220568520b: Two Low-mass Companions near the Hydrogen-burning Mass Limit Orbiting Sun-like Stars , 2020AJ....160..133M, CAT: PUB, PI: Shporer, WHO: NASA

Carmichael et al, 2020, AJ, Two Intermediate-mass Transiting Brown Dwarfs from the TESS Mission, 2020AJ....160...53C, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Jordan et al, 2020, AJ, TOI-677b: A Warm Jupiter (P = 11.2 days) on an Eccentric Orbit Transiting a Late F-type Star, 2020AJ....159..145J, CAT: PUB, PI: Brahm, WHO: Chile

Ratzloff et al., 2020, ApJ, EVR-CB-004: An Inflated Hot Subdwarf O Star + Unseen WD Companion in a Compact Binary Discovered with the Evryscope, 2020ApJ...902...92R, CAT: PUB, PI: Barlow, WHO: SMARTS

Rodriguez et al, 2020, AJ, TESS Delivers Five New Hot Giant Planets Orbiting Bright Stars from the Full-frame Images, 2021AJ....161..194R, CAT: PUB, PI: Rodriguez, WHO: NASA

Medina et al, 2020, ApJ, Flare Rates, Rotation Periods, and Spectroscopic Activity Indicators of a Volume-complete Sample of Mid- to Late-M Dwarfs within 15 pc, 2020ApJ...905..107M, CAT: PUB, PI: Winters, WHO: SMARTS

Wee et al, 2020, ApJ, Multiwavelength Photometry and Progenitor Analysis of the Nova V906 Car, 2020ApJ...899..162W, CAT: PUB, PI: Barlow, WHO: SMARTS

Rizzuto et al, 2020, AJ, TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME) II: A 17 Myr Old Transiting Hot Jupiter in the Sco-Cen Association, 2020AJ....160...33R, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Gilbert et al, 2020, AJ, The First Habitable Zone Earth-sized Planet from TESS. I: Validation of the TOI-700 System, 2020AJ....160..116G , CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Rodriguez et al, 2020, AJ,The First Habitable Zone Earth-Sized Planet From TESS II: Spitzer Confirms TOI-700 d, 2020AJ....160..117R, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Rucinski, S.M. 2020, AJ, Time-sequence Spectroscopy of Epsilon CrA: The 518 nm Mg I Triplet Region Analyzed with Broadening Functions, 2020AJ....160..104R, CAT: PUB, PI: Rucinski, WHO: SMARTS

Davis et al, 2020, AJ, TOI 564 b and TOI 905 b: Grazing and Fully Transiting Hot Jupiters Discovered by TESS, 2020AJ....160..229D , CAT: PUB, PI: Davis, WHO: NASA

Tokovinin, 2020, AJ, Spectroscopic Orbits of Subsystems in Mulitiple Stars. VII., 2020AJ....160...69T, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab

Marcadon et al, 2020, MNRAS, Analysis of eclipsing binaries in multiple stellar systems: the case of V1200 Centauri, 2020MNRAS.499.3019M, CAT: PUB, PI: Helminiak, WHO: SMARTS

Eisner et al, 2020, MNRAS, Planet Hunters TESS I: TOI 813, a subgiant hosting a transiting Saturn-sized planet on an 84-day orbit, 2020MNRAS.494..750E, CAT: PUB, PI: Boyajian, WHO: NASA

Hill et al, 2020, AJ, Orbital Refinement and Stellar Properties for the HD 9446, HD 43691, and HD 179079 Planetary Systems, 2020AJ....159..197H, CAT: PUB, PI: Pepper, WHO: SMARTS

Huang et al, 2020, ApJL,TESS Spots a Hot Jupiter with an Inner Transiting Neptune , 2020ApJ...892L...7H, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Tokovinin, 2020, AJ, Nearby quintuple systems Kappa Tucanae and Xi Scorpii, 2020AJ....159..265T/, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab

Tokovinin, 2020, AJ, The Quadruple System HIP 45734, 2020AJ....159...88T, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab

Zhou et al, 2020, ApJL, A Well-aligned Orbit for the 45 Myr-old Transiting Neptune DS Tuc Ab,2020ApJ...892L..21Z, CAT: PUB, PI: Zhou, WHO: NASA

Ziegler et al, 2020, AJ, SOAR TESS Survey. I. Sculpting of TESS Planetary Systems by Stellar Companions, 2020AJ....159...19Z, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab


Wang et al, 2019, AJ,HD 202772A b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter around a Bright, Mildly Evolved Star in a Visual Binary Discovered by TESS , 2019AJ....157...51W, CAT: PUB, PI: Wang, WHO: NOIRLab

Kostov et al, 2019, AJ, The L 98-59 System: Three Transiting, Terrestrial-size Planets Orbiting a Nearby M Dwarf, 2019AJ....158...32K, CAT: PUB, PI: Winters, WHO: SMARTS

Ratzloff et al, 2019, ApJ, EVR-CB-001: An Evolving, Progenitor, White Dwarf Compact Binary Discovered with the Evryscope, 2019ApJ...883...51R, CAT: PUB, PI: Barlow, WHO: SMARTS

Vanderburg et al, 2019, ApJL, TESS Spots a Compact System of Super-Earths around the Naked-eye Star HR 858, 2019ApJ...881L..19V, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Vanderspek, et al, 2019, ApJ, TESS Discovery of an Ultra-short-period Planet around the Nearby M Dwarf LHS 3844, 2019ApJ...871L..24V, CAT: PUB, PI: Quinn, WHO: NASA

Borkovits et al, 2019, MNRAS, The compact multiple system HIP 41431, 2019MNRAS.487.4631B, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab

Hełminiak et al, 2019, AA, Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the All-Sky Automated Survey catalogue. X. Three high-contrast systems with secondaries detected with IR spectroscopy, 2019A%26A...622A.114H , CAT: PUB, PI: Hełminiak, WHO: SMARTS

Kostov et al, 2019, AJ, The L 98-59 System: Three Transiting, Terrestrial-size Planets Orbiting a Nearby M Dwarf, 2019AJ....158...32K, CAT: PUB, PI: Winters, WHO: SMARTS

Vos et al, 2019, MNRAS, The orbital period-mass ratio relation of wide sdB+MS binaries and its application to the stability of RLOF, 2019MNRAS.482.4592V, CAT: PUB, PI: Barlow, WHO: SMARTS

Makarov & Tokovinin, 2019, AJ, of Red Giants with Suspected Massive Companions, 2019AJ....157..136M, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab

Tokovinin, 2019, AJ, Spectroscopic Orbits of Subsystems in Multiple Stars. VI., 2019AJ....158..222T, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab

Tokovinin, 2019, AJ, Spectroscopic Orbits of Subsystems in Multiple Stars. V., 2019AJ....157...91T, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab

Zhou et al, 2019, AJ, Two New HATNet Hot Jupiters around A Stars and the First Glimpse at the Occurrence Rate of Hot Jupiters from TESS, 2019AJ....158..141Z, CAT: PUB, PI: Zhou, WHO: NASA


Irwin et al, 2018, AJ, Four New Eclipsing Mid M-dwarf Systems from the New Luyten Two Tenths Catalog, 2018AJ....156..140I, CAT: PUB, PI: Winters, WHO: SMARTS

Lester et al, 2018, AJ, A Photometric, Spectroscopic, and Apsidal Motion Analysis of the F-type Eclipsing Binary BW Aquarii from K2 Campaign 3 , 2018AJ....156....8L, CAT: PUB, PI: Gies, WHO: SMARTS

Sybilski et al, 2018, MNRAS, Tracking spin-axis orbital alignment in selected binary systems: the Torun Rossiter-McLaughlin effect survey, 2018MNRAS.478.1942S, CAT: PUB, PI: Hełminiak, WHO: SMARTS

Tokovinin, 2018, AJ, Spectroscopic Orbits of Subsystems in Multiple Stars. IV. Double-lined Pairs,, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab

Tokovinin et al, 2018, AJ, Young and Eccentric: The Quadruple System HD 86588, 2018AJ....156..120T, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab

Tokovinin, 2018 AJ, Spectroscopic Orbits of Subsystems in Multiple Stars. III., 2018AJ....156...48T, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab


Mayer et al, 2017, A&A, Physical properties of seven binary and higher-order multiple OB systems, 2017A%26A...600A..33M, CAT: PUB, PI: Barlow, WHO: SMARTS

Kozlowski et al, 2017, PASP, Project Solaris, a Global Network of Autonomous Observatories: Design, Commissioning, and First Science Results, 2017PASP..129j5001K, CAT: PUB, PI: Hełminiak, WHO: SMARTS

Tokovinin & Latham, 2017, ApJ, Relative Orbit Orientation in Several Resolved Multiple Systems, 2017ApJ...838...54T, CAT: PUB, PI: Tokovinin, WHO: NOIRLab


Moharana,2024, Comprehensive study of low-mass Compact Hierarchical Triples using Eclipsing Binaries, , CAT: PHD, PI: Helminiak, WHO: SMARTS

Hubbard-James, 2023, Constructing a Spectral Rubric for Estimating the Age and Activity of K-Dwarfs within the Solar Neighborhood (40 pc), , CAT: PHD, PI: Henry, WHO: SMARTS

Paredes, 2022, The Solar Neighborhood Complete Survey of Stars and Planets Orbiting K Stars, , CAT: PHD, PI: Henry, WHO: SMARTS

Nisak, 2022, Stellar Activity, Planet Detection, and Fundamental Stellar Parameters, , CAT: PHD, PI: White, WHO: SMARTS

Yep, 2021, Young Clusters in the Moderate Radiation Environment of the Gum Nebula, , CAT: PHD, PI: White, WHO: SMARTS

Hartman, 2021, An All-Sky Survey of Very Wide Binaries and a Search for Hierarchical Systems in Various Stellar Populations, , CAT: PHD, PI: Lepine, WHO: SMARTS

Davis, 2020, Wobbling Towards the Future: Applications of the Radial Velocity Technique to Detect Ever-Smaller Exoplanets, , CAT: PHD, PI: Davis, WHO: NASA

Lester, 2020, Visual Orbits of Spectroscopic Binaries with the CHARA Array, , CAT: PHD, PI: Gies, WHO: SMARTS

Sybilski, 2019Detection of non-keplarian effects in eclipsing binary stars: from simulations to Solaris, , CAT: PHD, PI: Hełminiak, WHO: SMARTS

Pending Dissertations

Couperus, 2025,The Long-Term Stellar Cycles and Magnetic Predictability of Nearby M Dwarfs, , CAT: PHD, PI: Henry, WHO: SMARTS

Kar, 2025+, Activity of exoplanet hosts, , CAT: PHD, PI: Henry, WHO: SMARTS

Gaxiola, 2027+, Activity of nearby K dwarfs, , CAT: PHD, PI: Henry, WHO: SMARTS

Johns, 2027+, Stellar and substellar companion survey of nearby K dwarfs, , CAT: PHD, PI: Henry, WHO: SMARTS

Leblanc, 2027+, Multiplicity of nearby M dwarfs, , CAT: PHD, PI: Henry, WHO: SMARTS

Kimani-Stewart, 2030+, Rotation of nearby M dwarfs, , CAT: PHD, PI: Henry, WHO: SMARTS